The Best Of Aquabid



Females o.o


Whoa...that's a TON of branches on the steel female. Not ideal for breeding, IMO.

The male and the copper female are okay, but the other two aren't so much. The steel for the reason above, and the giant female because of the poor scaling.
how often does aqua bid update their auctions with new ones?

i want to get some fish but nothing has taken my fancy yet :sad:
Aquabid is just like ebay...sellers post their listings. It's updated frequently. Be patient. Something you like will come along. ;)
i ended up buying 5 :crazy: and the guy is going to give me 2 for free. so im getting a total of 7!

and my dad is going to let me set up my old tank again which i will put dividers in. all the ones im getting are female but i think 7 in 1 tank is too i wanna give breeding a try once i get all my info right!

im so freakin excited!!!!!!!!!!!

il post pics soon :D
I hate how even when you post bettas that you think are the most beautiful you've ever seen; people put new ones on aquabid that are even more desireable. -_-
I've just spent all morning looking at this thread! I so want a betta of my own now...
Wow, I never really looked but I never realized how many different types of Bettas there are. Crazy. So beautiful some of them. :rolleyes:
Wow, I never really looked but I never realized how many different types of Bettas there are. Crazy. So beautiful some of them. :rolleyes:

Such nice bettas :) Around here ive never seen more than 1 female and maybe 8-10 males tops out of 4 aquatics shops near me :(

Is aquabid a US site or is there a way to filter it as the idea of sending 5-6 females across the atlantic is abit worrying.

wow this one is nuts o_O
OMG..oh my god...
that is the coolest creature i have ever seen, I would pay up to £50 for that, $90 around..
is that betta on aquabid still? ive just been through and cant find it :(

can anyone see it?!

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