The Best Of Aquabid

Wow...look at these:




:drool: Oh I wish I could have them......

:\ Was just wondering if anyone's seen any white DT females lately. I'm really interested in one but haven't seen many except for as part of pair from Petfish (who I am not sure if I can really trust; saw a discussion on this somewhere but haven't read up on it). :/ But she wasn't one that immediately struck my heart though.
The only merit I see from buying from Petfish is that there is a potential I can pick her up myself (if Petfish would allow that, of course); I'm close enough to Irvine (where he is located, apparently) to do that.

I did see a white opaque female on ebay, but she was as HM not a DT (*__* which is beautiful too, but not what I was looking for). The thing about that one is, the seller doesn't have any pictures of the juvie or the mom (only of the dad) and am I sure he is a reputable seller. o___o The daddy is gorgeous though.

Well, I couldn't resist and I purchased the one in the first picture and a spawn female to go with him. I'm expecting them to arrive on Thursday. I'll post pics of them when I can. I plan to spawn them and if everything goes well, I'd be happy to send you one of their offspring (cause you posted this and made me fall in love with him) for only the price of postage if you'd like. :D
I might take you up on that offer =)

Although right now I have 4 fishies...and if I get any more my bf would have a flip out :/

So I'd have to see...

On top of that I'm broke.....I'd definatly be interested in seeing what you get from the spawn though :D
Oh my god! The gold butterfly delta is GORGEOUS! :drool: :drool: :drool:

Wow. I can't get over how gorgeous he is. ;__; *CRY*
If only I had the money ( :sad: $50), space and time... *cry*

Edit: Omg, didn't see that you added a golden one too. ;_______; I want to baul my eyes out because he's so drop dead gorgeous. I think my jaw dropped when I saw him.
why does that coppery fish look deflated in the body? it's like he's just skin. I'm sure it's just a trick of the light, but it's weird :huh:

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