The Behemoth Tank

That tank is the stuff of dreams, and looks like great fun too! :drool:
Any inverts in there maybe? Or is the pH too low?
Ugh, well, we are removing all the ADA aqua soil, it just makes way too much mess for the client's taste. Replanting and corys etc make it a mucky tank even if you run 5 micron filters, tons of current, daily 50% water changes etc.
Heh, I think its funny that I'm actually also going to be replacing the aquasoil (or at least most of it) in my teeny 5gal planted tank :blush: .
I have a plec in there temporarily and its a right mess, every time I move a plant the dusty silt stuff goes everywhere, and it takes days of not touching it for it to disappear, if i try to syphon it, the aquasoil itself gets sucked up.
The worst part for me is it lowers the pH significantly due to my soft tap water. Its below pH 6 and no amount of coral sand in the filter and piles of shells hidden behind rocks/buried in the substrate is helping.
Those are my gripes with it, I can say that the plants love it though, as did my rams.
New pics:

The client is getting things right, I still am working on adding a O2 controller and a special CO2 flow metering system, unlike anything seem in this hobby.

He still has a ways to go for scaping, but you get the general idea:





All EI dosing methods.

Tom Barr
Veeeeeeeeery nice tank, looks amazing!

Is it just me though, if I had that money and decided on such a huge tank, id want to do it myself! Lol, maybe thats just my desire to create :p
Looks good.

I want to see it in person. It would make a neat feature for PFK...

TFH already has dibs.

Yes, if you get a chance to come to LA, we might be able schedule something.
It's fun to sit and gaze.

It's much different than seeing a pic, that's no good but contest tanks are judged based solely on that rather than entertainment to the eye in person which is a much different standard.

NBAT contest going way back did those in person.

Tom Barr

Tom, what's the name of the tallish plant on the extreme left side? It looks almost isolated. Bright green, spiral to the leaves. Very interesting. An aponogeton of some type? I can't quite make it out in the picture but I like the look.

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