The Behemoth Tank

A. capuronii
Filler weed.

Tom Barr

Thanks Tom, I thought is was an Aponogeton, but I don't keep them, so I wasn't sure. It's a pretty specimen.

I know, I know, huge tank, tons of Altums and Discus, moss carpets, lawn covers, etc, etc, and all I notice is the "filler weed". Well, at least you know that if I ever become a world-famous opera singer, when you come to design a new tank for me, at least you won't have to work too hard to impress! :lol:
to settle an argument just how big are those discuss and altums? My money was on 12inches give or take.
Sorry to bring it up again but WOW :drool: :drool:
Just spent the last hour reading all of this! I 1st saw this on PFK site but this is amzing, so much more detail as to how everything is done.
TFH?? Never heard of it, and why do they have dibs? Surely first come first served :shifty: Plus PFK does videos on the website, was cooler...

The tank is amazing and I would consider going to LA just to see it. As it's the ultimate bachelor house are women not allowed?
I have enough to do an article spread myself, the owner was contacted by TFF through Heiko.
And he referred them to client.

As is the case with many clients, they have their own ideas about what all they want, I never get a blank slate unless I do something myself, and then it tends to be experimental.

However, this is a tiny 180 Gallon tank I have in my living room:


I'll actually add water sometime in the next week or two even:)
But it'll be a dry start tank, lots of HC, so I prefer to start things off right and have them well designed.

Too many cooks spoil the meal IME.

I like David Oliver's tanks at these scales, he used those molded back grounds which look nice.
And the plant choices are manageable. You tell my clients this, they want none of it, they want everything and also do not care how much labor it takes to have it.

Wood is much more my medium than many folks.
The above tank's wood is so nice, it would ruin things to attach plants to the wood.

Thus I'll have a well trimmed tank and lower foreground plants elsewhere.
I gave a lot of thought to this tank and am still thinking how I want what where, and have the plant schematic laid out.

On massive tanks, it becomes very hard to acquire that many plants to fill the sucker.

I've not chased the Discus around with a ruler, but they are pretty darn big, 10" I'd say, he has two that are really really big.

But he does not feed them as well as I thought.
I feed fish better(more frequently and a wider range of foods).

Tom Barr
What and where did you get that wood?!
I really like how it will break the surface of the tank, I have to disagree about attaching plants to the wood, some moss and bolbitis would look brilliant I reckon.
i just joined the many that have read this thread front to back. im truely amazed by the immense size of this tank. its truely a work of art. also with me soon to be redoing my little 20 gal (seems pathetic next to this) i got a bit of an education out of this thread aswell.

and so my hats of to you Tom, you are the master in my eyes.
:beer: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :beer:
There are a pair of 1000 W heaters in the sump.
The place is fairly warm anyway though.

And the heat from the MH's, we actually spend more cooling than heating.
There is a wine refrig in the hood to run the hot air out and cool things down.

I wish the client would settle down with the plant species in the mid and foreground.
It would look much better if he chose 2-3 species tops and did a lot of it.

I collect and chose all the wood for every tank I do.
The 180 gal wood came from the Eel river in Northern CA, USA.
The 1600 came from Cedar Key, Florida CA.

Both are cedar but different species and are well aged.
I also use Redwood and oak, madrone, there's more Manazanita than folks know what to do with in CA, it's a nasty brush weed here.
Wood washes down to the mouth of the river every spring and it's free for the taking if you can get your 4wd truck out to the beach.

It's about 4 hours from here and I have a friend that lives but a mile from the beach there.
So I know the area pretty well.

Tom Barr
Let's see some more full tank pics! I'll have to take a trip out to Cali to see some of your work, Tom. What public displays are your creation?

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