The Amazing Adventures of Jamnog

Brilliant job Jamnog. I'd hate to be one of the other contenders when you enter this in TOTM ;)
he he he i have to get rid of that alge first but i will have to consentrate on the other one tankB while thease two cichlids get all their amorey out the way. i cant get rid of the alge if they eat all the ottos. shame but it just means the other tank will have to be that much better i have to add more sand im going to go for white carabean sand even tho its not quite the same as the sand thats in their and doesnt represent cichlids from central america. then i can plant it up iv gotfloating plants in tankB to apparently calm down the irridescants tho they are as nervouse as ever. i keep putting it off but i think it will be next month again before its ither of them are ready. and its going to have to be the larger tank B to start with. oh and im going to see if i can borrow ikars camera he is prolly reading this heh. i think the breeding jewel cichlids will have to be my entry for fotm next month. to be honest from the fish and the tanks ive seen this month i dont think i would get far no matter how nice the tank looks.
whoohooo! nice new tank Jamnog, cant wait to see what you do with it.
Me & Starry are prob gonna be getting a new 48" long tank in the next week or that'll be fun! :hyper:
oh belive me it is fun when you get a 48" tank they seem huge at first and the more you read on here the smaller it becomes. that tank i got only cost 60 because all i go wa the glass tank and its one of those ones designed to be part of a wood stand with a wood top bla bla bla all i wanted was the tank like i said to the guy in the shop its see thru it holds water and ... well thats about all i want i may be swapping the filter round later. and ive been planting but i havent posted any pics of the tank as im not finnished yet i still have one trip to the fish shop to go and thats not untill pay day... perhaps i will post a pic of the tank all messy and not done right just so you know what im up to at the moment its litterally in two halfs because im trying some thing i dont have the resorses to finnish yet.
well here is the tank half done ive been mixing up sand and gravel for this tank as its seems like a good idea. the plants go in better and im hopeing it will stop the cichlids from digging them up but still allow them to sift a little bit.


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I really LOVE your tank with the Java Fern in it. It looks fabulous. It has taken me literally 6 months to get mine looking lovely as it does :*) Can't wait to see it with fish in it!!!

well they both have fish in here is the newest one i managed to catch an action shot of the comon firemouth cichlids shoeling across the tank. i love my java fern its actually two java ferns. they do take a long time to get to any good size i was lucky with that one as it was quite bushy when i got it.


  • fishh.JPG
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Hey Jamnog, maybe you could get this posted as a sticky for newbies as a sort of walkthrough? Cos you've provided loads of info on setting up from scratch including pics. It'll shows them that its not as simple as sticking some fish in a tank of water.

Oh yeah one question you know you mixed the gravel + sand, what i wanted to know does all the carp sink under or float on top of the mix? Or maybe a bit of both?
well it seems to kinda stay on top but i havent had it there for long. as for stickey well ive kinda stikeyd it on my sig i figure its more like a diary than a tutorial.. i think i might make mistakes allong the way. its shure taking longer than i thaught it would.
ok so ive added some more plants i have to rush off to the pub now but will edit this on sunday to put in a few details of whats happened over the last few days as its been hectic (noticed my posts have slowed up a little bit. you will all know that this is tank b well i have got 4 small jamacan crabs for it and will transfer the other one from the breeding tank as soon as the fry are big enough to alow me to muck about a bit.


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Jamnog said:
well i got this new tank and i was going to post pics and a little bit of a description of what i was doing. im shure you guys will be sick of me talking about my new tank. some of you will probably get so bored of me talking about my new tank that you will go off and do totally different things like taking up the hobbie of drinking, smoking, or possibly watching t.v. but here it is anyways. for those of you who havent read any of the other threads ive been on they where all gr8. now here is a pic of the aquarium its now day two and ive filled the little blighter with water and put in some nice stones. and of course the sand that took me about three hours to clean. i cleaned the sand a little bit at a time about enough to put in a large fishnet one of my old fishnets to be precise. anyways i rinced all the sand using the rain water i keep in a large rainwater container outside. i introduce the sand slowly to makeshure that it was properly clean (you have to rince it maybee twice or three times to really get it clean of the dust that causes cloudyness. i suppose you have all guessed that the sand turned the water a bit cloudy but not too bad not as bad as you would notice on a web cam. i found my old 200 watt heater and a power head and another air pump. put them all in to the tank in the obviouse places. we have all done it now im just waiting for a week to pass before i get some more plants from the fish shop. then it will be another week before i start to transfer the fish from the 2 foot and add some ready baught ones. ive got a shark catfish crazy thinks will be too big for the tank in like no time flat so i will have to get an even bigger one later on in my fish keeping exploits.

edit : i keep messing up the picture bear with me

jamnog just how i remember!!! i also remember the name ROB Mcfarlane
so looks like i missed u by an hour, actually very incredible considering what the word jamnog will bring up when u type it in at half nine at night. wish i'd done it an hour earlier. i bet ure in the pub now. well goodnews i have the net, a coble modem no less so im on most nites and now im a fully fledged member of this wee fish club so i'll be popping in 2morrow and the next day to see if you actually bother to leave an email address. i've tried the hotmail one and as i previously assumed its a falsie so what to do, where to go. back to yahoo and back to that key word Jamnog and what ever it could hold next. where will it take me where will i go. Ive just stopped using punctuation too!!!!!

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