Yes they are CF, hence them being right at the top to give them the most light possible
I've been fiddling with my rock
I started moving a few bits about and then found myself rearranging the upper levels :roll:
It went from this
To this
admittedly not a vast change but then settled to this after a bit more faffing
The poor old mushroom leather will never open at this rate
The star polyps have though
I thought the pulsing xenia looked a bit windswept here
so I moved it
and now it's over a touch further but still less battered.
The hairy mushrooms have a form of browny carpetting whatever underneath as said earlier, and I am not sure if the 'rock' isn't actually skeleton and that's the bit that's still alive or if it's something that has grown over an old skeleton - look below the mushies.
There's a tiny hint of polyps on the leather
Still yet to see what colour it is and if it's short or long polyps
I am now stepping away from the rock
still not entirely happy. The starfish has gone walkabout and decided to do it when I was out of the room. How inconsiderate!