They were available last night when I posted, not today though.
The pictures do that black OHM no justice. He was quite spectacular in person, he sold for $$$. We should get the Singapore fish tomorrow and we'll most likely list them on for sale. I'm a little anxious to see how they are. They've been in Texas since Saturday, we just can't get them because of several unforeseen difficulties.
I bought that green butterfly for Tuesday, and a pair of metallic blue plakats for me
I wound up taking all of the wilds that were there home with me for holding. I'll keep a pair of mahachai for myself. So, I have to go set up several wild tanks in just a bit
One for Mahachai, one for Changrai, one for Imbellis and a couple simplex. Jinkies.
My biggest accomplishment was one of my girlies taking Second, the mother of my marble spawn. My boys, once again, failed at flaring
But oh boy you should have seen that female flaring
The judge was using her for a few classes to make the boys flare. I wish he'd of brought her to the other side and used her on my marble male. I was told that the judge loved him, said he was "so unique and possibly BOS contender, if only he would display" and that he went on and on about how he wanted to give him a prize if only he'd get up. I,of course, thought Wally was making all of that up but he finlly convinced me. Then, to top it off, I get the boys home last night and within two minutes they're flaring like mad. What on Earth?!?! We need some serious show training around here. *shakes fist*
Over all, my husband asked me to rate the show from one to ten and I'll give it an eight, easily. It's still not over though. I'll be happy when these fsh are home with their parents.
EDIT~ I nearly forgot, I DOOOO have about a dozen fish left over from Suporn, Chok and Jesda, all from Thailand. Suporn said to keep what doesn't sell and the other two didn't say anything about what to do with their "no sales", I'm going to email them in just a bit. In the meantime, if any of you want to see them I can post them here and maybe sell them to you guys for the breeders? I really have no room for extra fish...ya know.