Tetramin Food

To be completely honest Trance, I seriously think it would benefit your future fishkeeping abilities and the lives of your other fish, if you looked to find a problem with your own tank husbandry that could have caused all of your fish's deaths, instead of blaming it solely on a commercial product which no one else has a problem with.
I see your point, but back than the water peramters were up to par. The ph was always a stable 7.4 I had two heaters of equal wattage, water was clean, fish ate, no sick or dead fish in my eyes.

Ammonia was always zero as well as nitrites.
Nitrates were pretty low.

30 percent water change every 2 weeks. With sand vacuming once a week.

But I tend to get the food that is at the back of the shelf. So maybe something that was old?
I know sounds wierd, but I do remember grinfing it up with another flake brand that was 2 YO or so. Could it be because of that?
Why is it you can afford a pair of fluval 404's, but are using fish foods that are out of date? :lol:
jeez, how come you are having all the problems? ???? in your other post, you said aquaclears break easily. 2 of my cousins have aquaclears, and they had them running for 6 years and still are running and only one of them has had a problem. his impeller broke half a year ago, but thats still after 5.5 years. my cousin has been feeding his fish expired pellets for a few months already, and they are still fine
If you could remember I said Hagen redesigned some of the aspects in the motors?

I bought a 300 1.5 years ago and it makes a constant ghrizzing noise. I contacted hagen and they told me the impeller must be bent a bit, I took it out and nope perfectly straight and level.
My fish get fed these crisps and go mental for them. It's a struggle getting them to eat normal flakes now.

I don't believe for a second that the food killed your fish. More likely your cleaner saw a wasp on your air pump and doused it in insect spray, or someone coated themselves in hairspray with the lid open, or decided Mr Muscle was the best thing to make the tank shiny.

Even if it did happen, I would have been complaining to the manufacturer at the time and having a proper investigation, not having a half hearted swipe at them on an internet forum a year down the line.

Ps. I don't like the photo in your profile, that's not responsible fishkeeping in my book.
It's a computer graphic image. They took a regular dead puffer and enhanced i.
I used to use the tropical crisps all the time with no problems. Now I prefer to use pellets, but I'm using up what's left of my can of tropical crisps on my grindal worm cultures and it has brought production up tremendously! I suspect it makes the worms more nutritious for the fish than just oatmeal does as well.

Fish food can expire just like anything else. It has an incredibly long shelf life, but if it gets moist or something it can spoil fast. Perhaps it had some sort of lethal mold or something on it you didn't know about?

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