Tetra swimming weirdly

You don't need to worry about neon tetras breeding and over populating the tank as it is very unlikely that the eggs will survive long enough to hatch as they will all be eaten. The eggs and fry are light sensitive so unless you keep the tank in the dark, the eggs are unlikely to hatch if they do survive being eaten.
In order to breed egg laying fish, they are usually put in separate tank and removed as soon as the eggs are laid.
I don’t want to breed as I am already very highly stocked so waiting for her to spawn in the temp tank then I will relocate her back to main tank. That way it will ensure that non of the eggs are fertilised. Unless I’m missing something ?
In addition to what @essjay said, you have cories. I can guarantee you won't be overrun by fry :D
Thanks all. Got the small battery air pump installed today to provide some aeration. It’s bit noisy so probably won’t leave it on 24/7.

She is not moving much and doesn’t seem to eat. I suppose it’s not easy feeding now due to the swimming issue so I’ll try to use tweezers to feed get.
So it’s been 3 days now and she’s still swimming with head upwards, mostly in circles.

She seems active and otherwise normal. It’s very hard to feed her though but I try to float some flakes on the floating plants in the hope that she’ll peck at it.

Im starting to worry if there’s something more serious here.

If she’s indeed pregnant will she spawn alone in the quarantine tank? The tank is actually very small container about 8x6” wide and 6” deep. will that be a problem?
Got a slightly taller container and better airstone so I will relocate the neon tetra tomorrow. Perhaps I will also dose with some API Aquarium salt as I don't think she's eating much.
Still swims vertically with heads up in circles but sometimes swims ok. Not too sure what's going on but hoping it will improve...
She is less likely to release the eggs without a male present. Nor does she seem to be enjoying being alone. I can't see any reason why she needs to be in a separate tank.
She is less likely to release the eggs without a male present. Nor does she seem to be enjoying being alone. I can't see any reason why she needs to be in a separate tank.
I don't think she's pregnant, perhaps bloated. Her belly doesn't look that bloated now.
If she is she's holding the eggs in for a long time (over a week). Is this even possible?
I'm starting to suspect it's swim bladder disease although it's weird that the head is up.

I did think of puting her back in the main tank but I have a corydoras who has fin issues (see thread here : https://www.fishforums.net/threads/help-with-betta-fin-damage-possible-fin-rot.463093/ )
I'm not sure it's a good idea to relocate her back into main tank now.
I'm not sure what is causing that. Have you tried fasting than feeding with a blanched peeled pea?
I don't think she's pregnant, perhaps bloated. Her belly doesn't look that bloated now.
If she is she's holding the eggs in for a long time (over a week). Is this even possible?
I'm starting to suspect it's swim bladder disease although it's weird that the head is up.

I did think of puting her back in the main tank but I have a corydoras who has fin issues (see thread here : https://www.fishforums.net/threads/help-with-betta-fin-damage-possible-fin-rot.463093/ )
I'm not sure it's a good idea to relocate her back into main tank now.
Yes they can be egg bound for a long time, especially with no males to encourage spawning.
I'm not sure what is causing that. Have you tried fasting than feeding with a blanched peeled pea?
Not really. I feed once a day with some flakes but not sure if she’s eating it.
I will try fasting tomorrow.How long should I fast?
She doesn’t look pregnant now unlike the initial picture so perhaps bloating. But really not sure why she is swimming like this as swim bladder issue normally means swimming face down or sideways?
Fast 3 days then offer the pea once she's really hungry. The fibre should help with any constipation. Constipation may cause bloating and can also squash the swim bladder.
Much as I hate to say this I had that with my glowlights. I was never able to find a cause or a cure, but it seems to be an internal parasite, most likely protozoan. Every fish that got it eventually died, despite a number of different treatments, and it spread. Mostly resticted to the glowlights but a few cardinals got spinning disease. The final straw was when a cory got spinning disease. Spinning usually indicates an infection in the brain. None of my glowlights actually spun but they all looked just like your vid - and sometimes stayed like that for weeks.

I ended up euthenising all of them :( and I have seen no problems since. If she dies in the tank and other fish eat her it will be in more fish.
I cleaned the quarantine tank today and got rid of the plants to make more space. Noticed she’s swimming better now. It’s almost horizontal also listing a bit to one side.

Is it worth treating with some aquarium salt?
No, not at the moment. If she was very bloated Epsom salt would help. Aquarium salt is useful for external infections but I haven't heard of it being helpful for internal problems.

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