Tell Us What Pets You Have ..........

ok all of the above have now made me feel kinda lame

i only have 2 cats



oh and fish quite a few but no names for them just in case !

:look: the pcture is my cat devilish who so loves to watch the fish especially pleco and drawf gourmi
1 cat
Noah aka wee man aka chimp aka whatever Mick feels like calling him that day!

Mostly his name is Chimpinski, he answers to anything, he is just a daddy's he is sitting in the sink....bless him


And here he is with his daddy.....he was so cute as a kitten!

My list is a little small compared to some of them.

I have 150ish fish or so. Way to many to name!

2 Persians Myska & Vladimir

I also have a dog and cat at my mum and dads but i couldn't take them with me when I moved out

Oh and k.o.d. I love that first pitcure!
Thank you Nina :D

That was Teru our baby Shiba, she is the one being looked after by Grandad Red in the second pic.
2 dogs Isis, sheltie/border collie mix and Ra, pit/shepard mix

:wub: I LOVE Your sheltie/border cross and pit/sheperd crosses/ names! Too cute! I think someone on the forum had two cats named Odin and Loki or Loki and Thor or...I can't remember LOL!
I really, really, REALLY want a Cockatiel. :hyper: And I would name it Argo, or maybe Harpy. I like Argo better.

OK My pets are:
Chloe: Miniature Schnauzer, Salt and Pepper, 6 years old in April
Delhi: Miniature Schnauzer, Black, 12 years old at the end of March
Winnie: Miniature Schnauzer, White, 5 years old soon :lol: She is a rescue. We will celebrate her B-day with every one else...on April 1st. Lots of games, presents, carob brownie cake, food, food, and doggie guests. :fun:

Here are the girls :) :

We also foster for the TCMSCR. And currently have one named Connor who is 8.

20 Gallon Long:
7 Mickey Mouse Platy + 1 fry
6 Zebra Danio
3 Otocinclus

NONE, hmpfff. :angry: lol
Okay. I'm not going to add pics of everyone though, because the only ones I have are dated as heck, and a bit big to post.

Morgan - Cairn Terrier - Male - Turns 14 on the 8th!
Leo - Moggie/Housecat - Male - 2.5 years
Charlie - Ferret - Male - Age Unknown
Brindam - Rabbit - Female - ~ 2 years
Darwin - Rabbit - Male - ~2.5 years
Widget - Gerbil - Female - Age Unknown, over 4 yrs
Auhlae - Gerbil - Female - ~ 1.5 years
Anja - Mouse - Female - 2 years
Nadja - Mouse - Female - 2 years
Lucia - Mouse - Female - 2 years
Leucos - Mouse - Male - Age Unknown
Moreau - Mouse - Male - Age Unknown
- Green Cheek Conure - Male(?) - 5 years
[url=""]Pretty Bird
- White Fronted Amazon - Male - 8 years
Velveeta - Parakeet - Female - 12 years
Sigma - Parakeet - Female - Age Unknown
Theto - Parakeet - Male - ~2 years
Jesus - Zebratail Finch - Male - 14 years :hyper:
Carla - Hen - Female - < 1 year
- Hen - Female - < 1 year
Rosalinda - Chilean Rosehair - Female - 5 years
Farrago - Madagascar Hissing Cockroach - Female - Age Unknown
Arloest - Madagascar Hissing Cockroach - Female - Age Unknown
Eagre - Millipede - Gender Unknown - Age Unknown
Tangaloor Firefins - Common Goldfish - Gender Unknown - 1.5 years
Grizraz - Common Goldfish - Gender Unknown - 1.5 years
Reebum - Chinese Algae Eater - Gender Unknown - 2 years
Shyboy - VT Betta - Male - Age Unknown (est. 1.5 yrs)
Innoby - Plakat Betta - Male - Age Unknown (est. 1 yr)
Jeff Klee - VT Betta - Male - Age Unknown (est. 1.5 yrs)
Matamoras - VT Betta - Male - Age Unknown (est. 1 yr)
Clarence - VT Betta - Male - Age Unknown (est. < 1 yr)
Shokora - VT Betta - Male - Age Unknown (est < 1 yr)
Pitaya - Plakat Betta - Female - < 6 months

I think that's everyone. Hopefully, a sweet little VT boy named Gabe will be joining me shortly compliments of a fellow forum member ^^
My cat (Artic [Art-seek])




(Terrible Digital Camera)

The terrible thing is that he is an outdoor cat and he gets worms alot, like right now. One time he was outside for 2 WEEKS and we got really worried about him, until i was practising piano one day and i heard him meowing near the door! He is seriously the nicest cat ever, he has never bitten anyone before!
1 white horse, Elsa
1 labradour, Casey (and we r hoping to get a buchane frise)
3 cats Hidey, Mazy and Moby
2 budgies Cloudy and Mistey
1 african grey parrot Tikko
2 guinea pigs couldnt think of a name :p
1 rabbit Jacob
2 ducks Pebbles and Indie
and 7 , they have no name
:lol: :p
MY non-aquatic pets are:

1 long haired chihuahua -- Gypsy
1 cat -- Circe
2 Pacific parrotlets -- Petri is the male (blue around the eyes,) Joule is the female
3 land hermit crabs -- unnamed
2 leopard geckos -- unnamed
1 unidentified baby gecko my mom found half dead and we nursed back to health -- unnamed

We also have a few other critters...
Golden retriever -- Molly
Cat -- Jinx

Obese chihuahua mix -- Pixie (the one on the right)
Cat -- Mandy
2 peach-faced lovebirds -- Eek and Meek
Box turtle -- unnamed
2 chinchillas, liqurice and allsorts,
1 dog called jess
1 hamster called pinky,
1 lobster called squirt
2 flyer cichlids called gourge and betty
1 sengal called squish
and one sailfin plec who hasnt a name...
WOW, how cool, so many ppl have fids!! If you cant tell allready, im a BIRD FREAK! you should see my room..... but I dont have very many pets :-( cause my dad doesnt really like them but these are my beloved pets
Blazey, my beutifull, spoiled, loved, spoiled, spoild, and did I mention spoiled, cockatiel, she is my baby
kitty, (yes thats her name, LOL) she is 5, will be 6 on the 15th of april, she is a main-coon/taby mix
29gall comunity
10gall cycle
2gall betta
9 (almost 10 but does that matter?) year old sisster (although she isnt a pet but..... LOL)
non-fish are:

3 cats: Todd, Hugo and Skitty
2 rabbits: Whickers and Sheba
1 cray fish: Thermador
2 snakes: Spike and Clint (though Clint is female - whoops)
1 Mexican red knee (Brachypelma Smithi): Sanchez
1 Goliath birdeater (Theraphosa Blondi): Marilyn
and several Giant millipedes
I live with my parents so as a whole we have:

one dog who is a cross between a springer spaniel, lab and border collie (black and white and so cute)
one cat which is a himilayin, he's adorable too

and I have the fish which I have listed in my signature (thought I wouldn't repeat it)

1 betta: Amrel
2 cats: Shado and Kitters
2 rats: Sandy and Zeba
2 horses: Half Moon (Moonster) and Destiny
3 dogs: Riley, Boo, and KJ

Amrel: teal VT male
Shado: Gray Longhair female
Kitters: B&W shorthair female
Sandy: Satin black hood female
Zeba: Rex tan hood male
Half Moon: Quarter Pony/POA grulla female
Destiny: Black Arab female
:wub: Riley: Golden retriever Male :wub:
Boo: Riley's mom, golden retriever Female
KJ: Golden Retriever/Black Lab X female

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