Yeah iv got a lot of shelves in there all made of wood as in the other cage they were all made of wire mesh metal etc and iv read that can do damage to there feet so i haven't got any of that, theres also a small ledge i can't remember what its made out of but its made so that its good for their teeth when they chew it. They eat everything have to keep replacing things, i give them plain toilet paper tubes so they can make bedding out of it or just eat it. The plastic thats in there is the 2 wheels a tube and the sand bath because it is more like a house that they can go in to so the sand doesn't go everywhere i put that in there for about 20mins.
Iv had them about a year now, to be honest when i bought them the shop didn't tell me anything about them so its a good thing when i got home straight away i started looking up on them otherwise i wouldn't have known that they couldn't eat sugar (which i'm still annoyed about that they didn't mention that). It's hard to find treats for them as obviously mostly everything has sugar in it so you have to read carefully, iv tried the seeds but they do like hay though they make a lot of mess with it.
I didn't know about the cooling pad so thanks for that i know they will need that in the summer. I think thats the same bowl as iv got though i might try to get another as they fight over it with 1 just sitting n the bowl so the others can't get to the food. I'm not sure if you can see in the pic but the 1 degu is a different colour from the other three more grey and white instead of the brown, i haven't seen many with his colour before.
I just want to get some more stuff in there for them as obviously their very active, iv got loads of shelves of all different sizes and shapes, which is good but theres no fun in their like when the run in their wheels. I might get a couple of those giant exercise balls so they can go round in those outside of the cage for a while.