Tell me something funny

OK, here are a few for the upcoming Talk Like a Pirate Day.

How do pirates know they exist?
They think, therefore they arrrrrrrr.

What do you call a pirate with two hands, two legs, and two eyes?

What lies at the bottom of the ocean and twitches?
A nervous wreck.
I have a little first grader, we'll call him Chad, who is a smart little guy but pretty rough in the behavior department. Tends to zone out and do his own thing, more emotionally volatile than the typical firstie, gets in trouble quite a bit. This afternoon, I was down in the first grade hallway reading the writing samples their teachers have hung up. They are learning about farms, apparently. The sentences were things like this:

The hors can kick.
A sheep clims a mountin.
The chikn peks my hand.
Duck swims on the pond.

Then I come to Chad's:
The goat transfrms into a robot.
I have a little first grader, we'll call him Chad, who is a smart little guy but pretty rough in the behavior department. Tends to zone out and do his own thing, more emotionally volatile than the typical firstie, gets in trouble quite a bit. This afternoon, I was down in the first grade hallway reading the writing samples their teachers have hung up. They are learning about farms, apparently. The sentences were things like this:

The hors can kick.
A sheep clims a mountin.
The chikn peks my hand.
Duck swims on the pond.

Then I come to Chad's:
The goat transfrms into a robot.

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