Tell me something funny

Math for today.
I had 15 spoons, my mom woke me and took 10. How many spoons do I have left?

Oh the poor fishies...
Just like us, their in the small space for a little to drive.
I hope they have a nice large tank or pond to go home to
Yah you don't get it.
Its fine I just learned the term "spoons" about 2 weeks ago.

It has to do with energy levels
I never said they were stupid! My little Sarasa girl swims through my fingers! I love my Goldies to pieces!
I don't think she was directing that at you. It was just rhetorical.
That's really cool that your fish does that!
if a married or dating couple own a dog, who will the dog run to if the two people run in opposite directions

That is just adorable!
Its so confused though. It loves them both equally it seems.

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