Techens 450 Litre/120 Gallon Planted Tank

Yea, the wood wasn't cheap. It's massive lol.
You thinking of adding more plants? I like it how it is now, I'd add some more Java Ferns and maybe a few crypts but it's nice as it is.
Very stressed looking rosy barbs :V
You didn't hang around tech haha.

Looks good, be better once they have settled and coloured up they'll look great!
Am abit stuck in terms of my stocking. With adding rosy barbs that prefer cooler waters like my redlines, The only fish left in my fish tank are the clown loaches that prefer very high temps. Kinda conflicting tank I have.
What do people think I should do?
lower the tank temp to 23 that should be fine ensure it never goes above 26 in summer and i think you would habw the perfect tank :) how many rosy barbs did you get
I got 12 but one died quickly after being added to the tank, I still think temp is a tad high for these little guys.
Well not much has been happening lately, I had a bit of a ammonia issue but that seems to have cleared up nicely.
It's looking quite beautiful T. Are you looking into adding other fish? I'm sure if you look there are a good bit that would fit in with their temperature ranges. Do you still have that syno?
That looks great.
Shame the torpedos are so expensive here, i'd love some! Beautiful fish
Ninjouzata said:
It's looking quite beautiful T. Are you looking into adding other fish? I'm sure if you look there are a good bit that would fit in with their temperature ranges. Do you still have that syno?
I still have the syno yes. He hides during the day.
As for fish I donno yet, Maybe another syno and pleco
Two new fish added today.

great looking tank and fish---neat looking pleco--what number is it?

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