

New Member
Mar 18, 2012
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Has anyone else watched the U.S series about the aquarium builders in Los Angeles. What did you think of it?

i watched it and i thought it was pretty cool how they build them out of all that crazy stuff and really creative but some of the stuff that comes out of their mouths is just stupid.

also that place they buy the fish from is freaking awsome!
They are in Las Vegas not LA ... have watched the show too and was wondering: they build the tanks in their shop, ship them to the location, set the tank up, get the "plumbing" hooked up and running and pop the fish right in ... no consideration or mention of cycling the tank. Any ideas?
They are in Las Vegas not LA ... have watched the show too and was wondering: they build the tanks in their shop, ship them to the location, set the tank up, get the "plumbing" hooked up and running and pop the fish right in ... no consideration or mention of cycling the tank. Any ideas?

You're right, it is Las Vegas

They are in Las Vegas not LA ... have watched the show too and was wondering: they build the tanks in their shop, ship them to the location, set the tank up, get the "plumbing" hooked up and running and pop the fish right in ... no consideration or mention of cycling the tank. Any ideas?

Never thought about that before.... Maybe they use mature filter media? That would make it cycle pretty fast. It also seems like they sometimes overstock the tanks, but maybe that's just me :)
Well most of the tanks are saltwater, so any slates care to mention how you cycle a saltwater tank? I used to think you didn't have to, but now I know there is a process but I think it's easier than a freshy cycle???

I did like the show though. I was really disappointed they stopped making new episodes :(
They are in Las Vegas not LA ... have watched the show too and was wondering: they build the tanks in their shop, ship them to the location, set the tank up, get the "plumbing" hooked up and running and pop the fish right in ... no consideration or mention of cycling the tank. Any ideas?

lol i was actually thinking the same exact thing!
Well most of the tanks are saltwater, so any slates care to mention how you cycle a saltwater tank? I used to think you didn't have to, but now I know there is a process but I think it's easier than a freshy cycle???

I did like the show though. I was really disappointed they stopped making new episodes :(.

I believe a new season just started! :D I think live rock pretty much instant cycles a salt tank, but other than that im not sure.
I like the tanks but as said before the heavily overstock tanks and a lot of things they say are not true. As to cycleing i know they make their own cycleing formula.
They are in Las Vegas not LA ... have watched the show too and was wondering: they build the tanks in their shop, ship them to the location, set the tank up, get the "plumbing" hooked up and running and pop the fish right in ... no consideration or mention of cycling the tank. Any ideas?

There's an article in Tropical Fish Hobbyist this month about the show because they get criticized alot. The fish are sent from the reef importer to a LFS by the clients house. They quarantine for up to a month while the tank gets set up. The set ups are much longer than the show portrays sometimes days. As for cycling they said they use their own line of
Cycling products (I know I know). I would assume though that they seed the filters with media from the warehouse. They are actually very knowledgable guys.

I like the tanks but as said before the heavily overstock tanks and a lot of things they say are not true. As to cycleing i know they make their own cycleing formula.

I disagree with the overstocking, most of these tanks are over 1000 gallons
Cool tanks on that show, and great tank builders. Some things are incredible.
But, I have to say.. awful and ugly fake coral that they shove into everything. Even fresh water set-ups!

Not much shown on the fishkeeping side of things, and what you do see would make you think they are morons when it comes to that part. and they should just stick to being the tank idea guys.

I guess the episode that put me off was the one they built a keg tank. 85 gallon tank that they used a wine barrel to form. Set it up on three polished kegs....and it actually tapped beer. Super cool!
But, then they stuck a piece of that god awful fake coral dead center...ugly! It had baseball's and football's and other crap like that on it...just disappointing to take something so cool, and then ruin it.
To make matters worse for me, they then proceeded to stock it with 10 to 15 male African Cichlids. Now even though the tank was 85 gallons it was only 24" diameter on top/bottom and 32" in the center at the most. And, with that stupid coral formation dead center it left only circular swimming around it.

That just put me off....they should stick to what they do well, and just build tanks.
OMG! I watch it ALL THE TIME, whenever it comes on. It's so halarious how the two brothers argue. I'm always laughing when I'm watching it. I have to say... I'm very impressed about how they brainstorm so quickly. My favorite part, to see the fish. My mom must think I'm nuts about fish, always on AnimalPlanet watching fish. I am, mom! Best show ever! (Besides Spongebob :p )

:fish: CRAZEE 4 FISH :drool:
They are in Las Vegas not LA ... have watched the show too and was wondering: they build the tanks in their shop, ship them to the location, set the tank up, get the "plumbing" hooked up and running and pop the fish right in ... no consideration or mention of cycling the tank. Any ideas?

Maybe they use mature water and matured media??? Or they're dumb... :S
And LR and LS make cycling super fast i think..
I had the same thought about cycling until this last episode I watched where they showed them using live sand and special straight-from-ocean water, so the bacteria is already established, right? I also wonder just how much some of those specialty tanks cost.

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