
I had no idea this show existed! I will need to "aquire" it immediately!
I watch it too. Especially interested this season as they made a KISS themed tank for the KISS indoor mini golf course in Vegas! They make cool looking tanks but you would have to be rich to buy one and afford a professional tank maintenance company to maintain them. They're about to get some competition as a new show called "Fish Tank Kings" starts May 12 on National Geographic Wild channel. "Tanked" is on Animal Planet Saturday night 8pm US Central time. They show some video on their website http://animal.discovery.com/
It's also on wednesday nights at 8 central and Sunday afternoons 2-9 central. Marathon.
I have seen the new season advertised but when I search it nothing comes up, I know it's on animal planet but so far no luck on finding it, anyone know when it is on in Canada???
I'm sorry to pull up an old thread, but I do watch this show, and for the most part enjoy it. I do wish they would do a few more minutes per episode of tank design, filtration, and fish acclimation, rather than the "fake hilarity hijinks" that take up about half the airtime.

I just watched an episode where they made a nice 250 gallon Houdini tank at the Magic Castle in Hollywood. But they stocked it with barracuda species that, I believe, can get quite large. And they also put in a blue eyed pleco. I thought it was WAY overstocked.

In the same episode they made an 8 gallon for a kid inside a TV cabinet. They stocked it with four red-tailed sharks and about 6 male guppies. These guys seem to focus on how the tank looks and theming for contents, rather than reality of stock level.

Just wanted to add my two cents. The guys are likable!
I've caught it a few times, very entertaining viewing !
But as has been mentioned before, they are mainly saltwater specialists.. i have seen a half a dozen or so freshwater tanks, and was interested in the 'plumbing' side of it. From what i gather, they run a very bespoke 'after set-up' maintenence service, most probably including water changes...my money is on the fact they probably discharge and re-fill the tanks on a regular basis, or only until a robust colony of bacteria are present and working.

Arg. Don't think I get that channel. DVR search turned up no results.

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