I'm sorry to pull up an old thread, but I do watch this show, and for the most part enjoy it. I do wish they would do a few more minutes per episode of tank design, filtration, and fish acclimation, rather than the "fake hilarity hijinks" that take up about half the airtime.
I just watched an episode where they made a nice 250 gallon Houdini tank at the Magic Castle in Hollywood. But they stocked it with barracuda species that, I believe, can get quite large. And they also put in a blue eyed pleco. I thought it was WAY overstocked.
In the same episode they made an 8 gallon for a kid inside a TV cabinet. They stocked it with four red-tailed sharks and about 6 male guppies. These guys seem to focus on how the tank looks and theming for contents, rather than reality of stock level.
Just wanted to add my two cents. The guys are likable!