Ok. Heres the long overdue update.
30g Aqua Medic Chromis
20kg approx. of live rock
Fluval 305 ( Rowaphos / Purigen / Carbon )
Koralia 1
Koralia Nano
150w halide
2 x 36w t5 actinics
livestock levels now stand as such.
1 common clown
1 pyjama wrasse
1 lawnmower blenny
1 emerald crab
2 astrea turbos
1 nitrous turbo
2 cerith snails
6 unknown snails + countless small snails that appear on the glass at night.
6 blue legged hermits
2 red legged hermits
1 skunk cleaner shrimp
Corals so far.
a toadstool
Star polyps
large rescued colony of purple button polyps (not opened yet
3 old mans todgers
a small colony of yellow/green button polyps with an anemone too
a smaller frag of green button polyps
a disc of rock with 3 types of coral as identified by ski in a previous post.
a small frag with 2 colonies of xenia
Over the last month 3 of my rocks have been getting increasingly hairier with algae.
I am now winning the war due to rowa and purigen in my cannister filter and pulling as much out as possible while being nipped by the clown. I shall be doing another big water change over the weekend to again assist in the reduction of this.
I purchased the algae blennie to help too. The emerald crab was bought for the same reason.
I removed the 2 oysters cos they were starting to annoy me and make my sand look too busy.
I have been regularly squirting lemon juice onto aiptasia with varying level of success. When i first did the biggest in my tank it was pretty impressive to watch. Instead of retreating back into its rock it opened up and went a very dark colour before having a few coughing like spasms. a few days later it was back out as normal though. The smaller ones died pretty easily though.
Last time i cleaned my cannister i removed half of the sponge. i think next time i will remove all the sponge so as to reduce the risk of this becoming a nitrate trap.
I rejigged the top of the rock work making it stand a bit taller and to make room and useable space for the inclusion of corals.