Tank Re-design


Fish Herder
Apr 2, 2003
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cardiff uk
Well i have been contemplating in re-doing my tank and changing a few things!!!

:blink: Tank is 24" (length) 14" (width) & 18" (height) or commonly known as a Fluval Duo Deep 600 by Hagen

First thing i wanna change is the substrate!!!!! I'm going for sand (which i just bought 2day in January sale had 10% off) looks multi colour grainy sand (most likely river sand)

I don't know what type of theme to go for as i currently have Corydoras as bottom feeders, black neon tetras, some swordtails, few platys, 1 balloon molly & normal molly.

Have a few live plants and co2 injector as well, also have bogwood

Basically it just looks a bloody mess!!!!!!!!!!!

Serious dunno where to start.
Hmm... I'd add any ornaments, move them around to your liking. Then put the tall plants at the back and work forward. Then move round as desired.....
The only onament i have is a small piece of bogwood (about 10inches in length), would that go well with a sandy substrate?

I looked @ a roman ruin today in LFS i thought thats nice, checked the price tag £14.99 i thought hmmmm maybe not!!!

Some fish i may donate to my college aquatic's centre as i think the swordtails would be better off in a much bigger tank.

Just keep banging my head with all these ideas floating.........i got the sand already!! substrate is sorted. -_-
With live plants, CO2 injector and sand substrate I would be looking at a seriously planted tank, ask in the planted tank forum, as I am c**p at planted tanks, but they can be very striking.

I always prefer the look of the 'natural' themed tanks. Driftwood and plants are great with sand. Place some moss on the driftwood so that it grows over it eventually. I like to see driftwood sticking up towards the top of the tank, growing out of a carpet plant if there is enough light for that sort of thing.
I have this great book: Aquarium Designs Inspired by Nature by Peter Hiscock. Some really nice natural themes to choose from.

How 'bout a Downriver Amazon setting. The sand would be perfect and the driftwood. You could plant something on the wood, too. Add lots of big leafy plants in the back of the tank like Amazon swords. Then sprinkle the sand with some smooth pebbles and some small smooth rocks. Maybe some hair grass along the front?

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