Tank Mates for Angelfish in a 55 Gallon

I feel that most of the problems with fish on this forum site is to do with fish being kept in alkaline tanks, if these tanks were just slightly acidic the problems would go away. In an acidic tank that is well planted the hardness takes care of itself, you don't have any nitrate build up, and you have zero ammonia, even if you accidentally over feed. Therefore your general maintenance is reduced and the fish are in a more stable environment. Less stress less disease.
Basically get some plants. As many as you can afford really. The fish appreciate them as well, its like room service. Algae with a side of micro organisms.
@HoldenOn , I can second that, after years of having plastic plants I am so happy that I went to planted tanks 2 years ago. Now all my tanks only have live plants and what plastic I have is only fry grass for breeding purposes. The plants help so much with improving the quality of the water and the lives of my fish. :good:

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