Not been on here for a while, but here is a quick update. The first batch of fry all passed away around the ten day period. Not really sure why. All water stats were fine. They only things that I can think of are that a) they need brackish conditions to grow or b) the water temperature was too high. The smallest spare heater I had was 100w and even on its lowest setting it was maintaining the water temp at around 23 - 24 degrees C which I think is too high for the little fellows. I now have a second batch of eggs (again around 65) which have been incubating for around 15 days and should be hatching today or tomorrow. They have all survived to the late stage this time with no signs of fungus or incorrect fertilisation. I thought that I would try to maintain a lower temperature before I messed around with salt, so I bought a small heater which seems to be maintaining it exactly at 20 degrees C. Time will tell hey ...