Tank dividing/stocking/algae removal in 1 package


Fish Connoisseur
Feb 21, 2004
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Long island, New York
My 5 gallon cacked yesterday because of a freak accident with a magnetic algae scraper. I put the betta in a bowl and had an extra ten gallon with the 5's original gravel. Tanks in that area in have extreme algae problems. I want to divide the tank into three parts. How many otos could I put in each section with the betta. I was thinking maybe 2 or even three each, but that's a lot of otos for a ten gallon. I'm confused :S Myabe I'll just divide it in half and get 3 otos each :dunno:
1 oto per section is all that would be needed. If you find one of them is getting lonely(not eating any algae and just hanging around) then you can get another for that section. IME they like to be in groups but i have also noticed that they like time on their own as well and i have one in a 5 gal that has been doing great for the last 3 months. HTH :)

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