~~ Tank Diary ~~

I would say do not get any other cichlids to go in your tank just keep the rams maybe get one more or loose one just stick to a pair male and female cichlids are very aggressive fish but the rams and keyholes and kribs are good for a community but just dont mix them so just stick with the rams mate or you will have trouble i would just now get a good selection of peacefull community fish once the rams apir up they will find there own territory and be aggressive over it but the peaceful fish will learn to keep out of the way my pair get on just fine and when it comes to spawning everything keeps out of its way. do u have a fry tank you can move the fry to if they do have fry but water has to b e perfect for them to spawn picky little buggers.
thnx everyone for the good comments :good:
woke up this morning and had a good look at the new fish, and 1 of the 3 rams have colored up quite nice, am i right in saying that this is a female?, she is the smallest of the 3 aswell.
here is some pics as from today :D
took alot of pics :) i no you like pics lol

bj.jpg not very clear but this i think is the female

kt.jpg think this is a male

map.jpg female again

Pic0001.jpg we might have a pair :friends:
wrong way round mate the one with the longer dorsal fin is male and a shorter dorsal fin means female mate.
pair1.jpg pair again

Pic0004Aj.jpg close pic of the female

i got more but they are practicaly the same lol just the same fish, because i think they are sooooo cute :wub:
Those rams look real nice!

i just put one into my tank ... but i havent seen him take any flakes yet :sad: . he has been in there near on two days now but just this morning he has moved out from behind the plants in the corner and is swimming about the tank. :) Any ideas on what is causing this?
Mat when i bought my 3 rams yesterday all they were doing is hiding in the rocks. but today they have started to swim up and down the tank and are accepting flakes, 1 of them has picked a cave already lol
just give them time, you could always buy another ram to go with the one you have already :D
Mat when i bought my 3 rams yesterday all they were doing is hiding in the rocks. but today they have started to swim up and down the tank and are accepting flakes, 1 of them has picked a cave already lol
just give them time, you could always buy another ram to go with the one you have already :D

damn that is a good idea. They dont grow to big do they. (?)
hmmm might be a trip down to the fish shop?
my biggest vallis is pearling, i thought that plants only pearl with CO2, i haven't got any CO2 or i haven't added plant food, whats going on?.
i snapped a quick pic.


sorry that the pic is a bit blurry but is it really pearling?
tetra-man2 they are BOLIVIAN RAMS, and i like them very much, even tho they haven't got the coloring of the german blue rams :/
i wasnt implieng they were bad, iv got a pair in my juwel rekord 60, thev been in 3 weeks and are very colourful
my rams have only been in ther for 3 days, they have been coloring up a bit more now.
2 of them are knocking their mouths together, looks like they are trying ot bite each other, is this some kind of territorial, dominence thing or pairing?
my pleco is really getting on my nerves now :crazy: i bought vallis the other day planted it all good and the next morning they were all floating, i planted them again really firm and still he keeps managing to dig them up :/ .
today i have put all the big vallis in the corners, and some small ones at the back, to let them grow bigger, then i packed loadz of gravel around them and it looks better lol
i will post pics later :D

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