well been to maiden head aquatics today, looking for water sprite, didnt have none
looked over at the tank behinde me and they have some angels, not very big around 2", i asked the assistant about them and he asked me what setup i have (atleast he asked, no other shops do) anyway i told him that my tank is 4ft, 39gal and he said that " because my tank is so big and looks like there arent that many fish in there the angels might bully the other fish out of that space so they can have that terratory, now if they were in a small tank with more fish they wouldn't be aggressive or choose a terratory, so he then told me that there is only one way to find out so he said that i could have the pair for £7 and if they dont get along just bring them right back and get a refund, the angels have been in the tank about 2hours now and staying close to eachother, i haven't a clue, what type are they? and could you tell if they are male and female? could you give me some help heres some pics, not very clear i no, off my camera phone
oye and ive added some bluey looking stones that i bought to keep the plants planted, my pleco keeps up- rooting them
and my cory eggs have hatched today

around 50 of the little buggers