hi, went to maidenhead aquatics earlier on, to get some rocks for my new tank, while i was there i just had to have alook at the fish

cant resist

i came across a pair of kribs for £15 for the pair (rip off) so i kept on walking and came across some high fin platies, i have never seen these fish before, they are cool looking.
while i was looking the shop assistant asked me if i needed some help on choosing the fish, "i didnt go their for fish", he asked me what setup i have and i told him that i have a 39gal with a fluval4 filter and 2 air bars, he asked how long i have had it setup for and i said just over a week, and then he said "well we have a deal on at the moment with these platies, 4 for £3, i asked him if they would be ok in the tank i have and he said yes because they are hardy fish and can settle in quickly, soooooo i bought them, heres some pics they are really cool fish

i put my other female platy in the 39gal aswell because i thought it would be better for her being with other platies than on her own

the micky mouse platy is the 1 i put in ive had her along time now just over a year i think
first 2
1 more cant fit them all on 1 page too big
i like this 1 the most, it has a metalic green on his sides and long top fins and tail fin.
tell me what you think, i think they are quite nice

they have been eating so i think they are ok