Take a look tell me what ya think



  • 000_0061.JPG
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Female Devil who is really starting to grow and become agressive.


  • 000_0043.JPG
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Some sort of gourami, its a dither fish and was one of the first fish i ever brought, damn thing is still alive :p


  • 000_0025.JPG
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Can I get a full pic of your tanks, no matter if they have fish in them or not.i just want to see. BTW i love your tank and your fish. i like big predator fish but I don't have the money or room to get a big tank.
thanks for agreeing with me guys. Vip awesome fish man, wheres bennett i wanna know what he has to say about what i posted...
"lol i feed my oscar all kinda fish not just feeders. its funny to watch them freak out thinking "im not a feeder fish, what the heck is this guy doing" and then get nail'd by him. the marble hatchet was the best though. i didnt know that lil guy could swim that fast. if any of my mbuna have kids they will be fed to teh oscar as well =)"

Im here Unphased and I don't want a confrontaion...I understand the ppl need to feed large fish feeder fish but you said "its funny to watch them freak out" and you describe the fish being "nail'd". Now I think that is horrible that you take amusement in watching the fish being eaten.You think that it is natural for a larger to fish to feed on a smaller fish which it is...but we are talking about a closed environment (an aquarium) where the fish CANOT escape. I know this arguement has come up alot...and I want to steer clear of it. Lets just keep our opinions to our selfs

LOL, thats cool its too late for me thats why i couldnt understand what you were saying fully. Its cool dude :)

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