Take a guess

Ladies and Gentlemen we have a winner! Before I say who it is I would just like to thank all of you for your support and taking the time to place a guess. I am sorry to say that if you guessed less than 75 your guess was very wrong. Not that it was wrong to place a guess lower than 75 since Doris may be getting closer to the end of her prime birthing years.

The numbers of undeveloped eggs was a bit of a surprise this time as there were more than 25. I was also a bit dimayed(is that spelled right, it does not look right to me but I am not sure that I have ever written the word dismayed before) by the number of half developed embryos. At least 15!!! :X :( I can not say for certain that Doris had not started to snack on the fry but she usually eats the eggs before she starts in on the little ones :crazy: At any rate everyone who had given up on Doris' ability to push out more than 100 will have to show a little more faith next time.

Well Polardbear, calling Doris a porker can be a judgement call untill you have seen her eat or birth. We have a new record for Doris this time with 127 fry(counted twice). :hyper: :crazy: :hyper: :S . The counting method is with the help of a net, fry trap, opaque measuring cup and a sample taking thingy that looks like a turkey baister(is that spelled right?). Congrats Polardbear :D :p :D and you are welcome to stop by and collect First Prize. I think this time it should be about ten or so.

Relax thrdwatch you can have 10 as well :D just come and get them. My wife says PLEASE come and get them!(I think she is jealous of Doris)
By the by I was able to get a reasonably good measurement on Doris as she is much calmer now that the birthing is over. She was near the glass and still for nearly a minute so I could sneak up slowly with the ruler. I got 9.3cm(3.66") long and about 2.5cm(1") high at the thickest part, just in front of the anal opening through the back fin. In case anyone was interested. :p
WOW!! Paul, that's alot of cuties... :wub: Congrats to you, Doris(bet she is happy to be free of all of those :crazy: ) and to Polar... :clap:
I'm curious paulthegreat, has Doris always been on a mission to repopulate the world or did she start off having smaller batches? How old is she now?
Gosh 127 fry!!! :hyper: That's crazy...are you going to raise all the fry ? I've got 28 swordy fry that I am raising living in a 30 gallon. How on earth are you going to find room for 127 fry? What did you do with your last batch? Does she give birth every month? Do you rescue all the fry each month?

Sorry lots of questions...just curious :*)

edit: She's 9.3 cm :hyper: She's HUGE!! I just measured my girl and she's a little over 5 cm. I'd love to see some pictures of her :wub:
The first batch I was able to actually save and count was in January and it was about 80 fry. I am not sure that I got them all since she had started a bit before I got home from work. I have had Doris for 10 months now and she has gotten a bit larger but mostly fatter. I am a big softy when it comes to feeding time and have to force myself to skip a day now and then. I keep the fry in a trap for the first three weeks or so and then let them take their chances in the fry tank. I think about 15 from Doris' last batch survived their big sisters. I would guess that I have about 60 juvies in the 54L and the bigger ones are about 3cm. I am thinking about getting a 96L for the juvies and having the 54L just for fry under 1.5cm. I lose a few to the filter, but most of my losss are to to predation. I have not been able to save every batch and with Fiskis I have only got her in the trap twice ince she births a night and never gets really big so I have a hard time guessing when she will drop. I do a bit of sales to a couple different LFS and get enough to ease the cost of food and chems. I get 10 Swedish Crowns($1.40 US) per fish when they get up to about 3cm. I have a third store(actually two others that are part of a chain franchise(Djur Magazinet)) that will buy them but they must be 4cm and some must be developing the Sword. :D

My avitar is of Boris and Fiskis(check my stat sheet for a bit larger view) while Dilbert the cat looks on. Doris is about four times the mass of Boris and and Fiskis is only 2/3ds the size of Doris. I got a better measure on Doris today and She is only about 8.8cm long. I guess when she dies I will weigh and measure her but do not want to stress her by trying that while she is still living.

I was able to post a picture in the members aquariums and fish forum but still can not post in the lvebearer forum
The first batch I was able to actually save and count was in January and it was about 80 fry. I am not sure that I got them all since she had started a bit before I got home from work. I have had Doris for 10 months now and she has gotten a bit larger but mostly fatter. I am a big softy when it comes to feeding time and have to force myself to skip a day now and then. I keep the fry in a trap for the first three weeks or so and then let them take their chances in the fry tank. I think about 15 from Doris' last batch survived their big sisters. I would guess that I have about 60 juvies in the 54L and the bigger ones are about 3cm. I am thinking about getting a 96L for the juvies and having the 54L just for fry under 1.5cm. I lose a few to the filter, but most of my losss are to to predation. I have not been able to save every batch and with Fiskis I have only got her in the trap twice ince she births a night and never gets really big so I have a hard time guessing when she will drop. I do a bit of sales to a couple different LFS and get enough to ease the cost of food and chems. I get 10 Swedish Crowns($1.40 US) per fish when they get up to about 3cm. I have a third store(actually two others that are part of a chain franchise(Djur Magazinet)) that will buy them but they must be 4cm and some must be developing the Sword. :D

My avitar is of Boris and Fiskis(check my stat sheet for a bit larger view) while Dilbert the cat looks on. Doris is about four times the mass of Boris and and Fiskis is only 2/3ds the size of Doris. I got a better measure on Doris today and She is only about 8.8cm long. I guess when she dies I will weigh and measure her but do not want to stress her by trying that while she is still living.

I was able to post a picture in the members aquariums and fish forum but still can not post in the lvebearer forum
hi there well done on that birth one of my swordys had 103 the other day
You all do realize this is over a year old, right? I don't mind you bringing up old topics, but I just wanted to make sure you knew. :)

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