Syrian Hamster


Its a kinda MAGIC!! ^_^
Mar 4, 2005
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Leicestershire UK
Took a trip to pets at home today and fell in love with this little girl, she is a grey Syrian Hamster
Having never had a hamster before we were very grateful for the nice long chat about there care with teh sales assistant.
Will get some pictures of her and her cage in the next few days when she has settled in.
She is an early birthday present for me and my sister :D
make sure she doesn't escape. Ours did cos my daughter let her out and it took me 6 weeks to get him out from under floorboards in bathroom. nightmare!!! but saying that I LOVE THE BONES OFF HIM HE HAS SO MUCH CHARACTER FOR A LITTLE hamster
My Basset Hound keeps sniffing under his cage!! lol

My wife woke me one night at about 2am cos "Hammy" was sitting upright in our room by our bed when I was after him. I dashed out of bed legged it after him but he shot back under floorboard. we went on like this for weeks. you could see him when on loo as he'd come and poke nose through but run as soon as you went for him. he looked very happy being wild!!! but I had to get him back and luckily I did when my son woke in night and shouted" Dad Hammy in room" and I got him
They are indeed super cute little things. I've always found grey's to be a little more skittish and not as easy to tame as browns. But grey's are gorgeous.
Never ever underestimate the power of escape in a hamster. They posess sheer genius to find ways of escape. I've kept many hammies over the years and lost two due to escaping. One was killed by my dog - the other by my cat.
Post some pics :good:
well she seems to be settling in well, has been out exploring her cage all morning, she seems very tame although we haven't held her yet will try get some pictures over the week end
She sounds very cute, make sure you handle her as much as possible though as syrian hamsters are not sociable animals by nature and can quickly revert back into being feisty bitey little rodents if not handled regularly enough :nod: .
Make sure you have an exercise wheel in her cage as they are very energetic animals that will make full use of an exercise wheel- however in my experience i have often found that exercise wheels sold for hamsters are too small for them when they are full grown (and so they stop using the wheel), rat-size exercise wheels are often much better size-wise for syrian hamsters :thumbs: .
i am handling her a little more everyday to get her used to me, she does have a wheel and boy does she love it, i can see what you mean about them being to small for when fully grown and i shall invest in a rat sized one soon for her

Her cage:

Sitting in the food bowl, silly girl :rolleyes:

Sorry about the quality, only have the phone camera
What a cutie pie! and beautiful home she has.
Just be careful with a rat sized cage as some have bar spacing which is usually larger/wider. Remember, if a hammie skull can fit through the bars, the body will absolutely follow. They are the most incredible contortionists!
However for a hammie, bigger is definitely better. Mine always loved exploring all areas of their large cages. Just choose the cage carefully.
the cage is actually for a hamster and was an absolute bargin cost me £10.39 :# will keep an eye on her make sure she's not trying to escape :thumbs:
hammies are adorable. mine's a little biter though! had to take him to the vet the other day....even my vet was scared :p Yours sounds really adorable, i love the set-up, however, as she grows, it would be worth investing in something guinea pig sized. Such as a zoozone 1 or 2 (although you'd have to DIY the bar spacing). If you can get your hands on one, the Gabber Rex is the best cage ive seen. :) More pictures when you can :D
hammies are adorable. mine's a little biter though! had to take him to the vet the other day....even my vet was scared :p Yours sounds really adorable, i love the set-up, however, as she grows, it would be worth investing in something guinea pig sized. Such as a zoozone 1 or 2 (although you'd have to DIY the bar spacing). If you can get your hands on one, the Gabber Rex is the best cage ive seen. :) More pictures when you can :D

i like the cage,good with its levels. my old hamster was in a cage like that,but the chewing of the bars drove me round the bend! my hamster i have now is in rotastak and she loves it!
she doesn't bite the bars so far but will bite anyone except me that puts there hand in her cage, will try get some new piccys
Don't worry about her being skittish. Colour has nothing to do with how friendly a hamster is. It is like saying if you have red hair then you are smarter. And even if it did have to do with the outside appearance all of my greys have been absolutly friendly.

She si adorible. ;)

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