Synirr Baby Betta Question


A Shrine To Madness
May 28, 2005
Reaction score
Fargo, ND
When I breed the babies, both PK, DT Genos, 75% will be PK and the rest will be DT, right? Thank you.
:look: erm, I think you might wanna look MUCH more into Betta tail types before spawning. All of them will be Plakats, when you spawn 2 Plakats ~ it's just that, yes, 25% will be DT Plakats.
Um, could you be more specific please? I really don't get what u r saying.
DT (Double Tail) is a tail fin type that can cross species. Plakat is a species. I think I have that right.
PLakat + Plakat = 100% Plakat
Any Betta Carrying dt + any Betta Carrying dt =

25% DT (Double Tail)
25% ST (does not carry dt)
50% STdt (single tail, but carry the DT gene)
Please don't spawn until you do much more research. Please, please, please don't -_- You'll be doing nothing for Bettas if you do not understand the genetics of basic tail types.
DT (Double Tail) is a tail fin type that can cross species. Plakat is a species. I think I have that right.
Nope, plakat is a tail type as well :)

ManyFISH4Me has the info spot on.
Ok! Gotcha! sorta :*)

Well here's some ignorance showing:

I have several HM: HM/DT/Butterfly, HM Plakat, HM/HMx, HM/Superdelta/Plakat. If Plakat is the base fin type of the species from which all the other Splendens were developed, how is it that the part left out of the description is that a HM Splendens is has the full long tail?
Please don't spawn until you do much more research. Please, please, please don't -_- You'll be doing nothing for Bettas if you do not understand the genetics of basic tail types.
Well then what do you think I am doing in this topic? So, they'll be 100% Plakat, 25% DT, and 25% ST? what does ST mean? Sterile? :/
what does ST mean? Sterile? :/

:shifty: ok. THIS is a prime example of why you need to read much, much more into spawning Bettas! What Pica_nutalli said is totally true. You need to get all of the basics down and keep Bettas for a long time before you jump head-first into reproducing 100's more! To me, if you don't understand basic tail types, I can't assume you understand all of the work required to spawn Bettas, or how to make sure of a spawning-worthy pair.
what i think splashstuff really meant was "don't try breeding bettas until you're done researching"
Well, he hasen't breed them yet, has he?
I haven't talked to him about it in a while, but I think he's planning on doing it in Jan. ;)
what does ST mean? Sterile? :/

:shifty: ok. THIS is a prime example of why you need to read much, much more into spawning Bettas! What Pica_nutalli said is totally true. You need to get all of the basics down and keep Bettas for a long time before you jump head-first into reproducing 100's more! To me, if you don't understand basic tail types, I can't assume you understand all of the work required to spawn Bettas, or how to make sure of a spawning-worthy pair.
That's the only thing I need to work on! I've gone to million websties, checked everybook from my library on bettas, and the only thing I am having troubles with is the tail types, is there like a chart or something like for the probablity of the colors? I can understand colors, spawning techniques, setting up spawning tank, suitable foods for fry and all that except for tail types! Why can't any one just provide a link for info? Oh and Ethos, I said Febuary, not January. Seriously, all I don't get is tail types. Just help me! This is what the whole topic is about, now it's: Oh, if you don't even know tail types you dont' deserve to breed. That is what the whole dang topic is about!


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