Sydney Storm

That is awesome, I like pictures like these :D

anyone can use the pictures for their desktop, it dosent bother me.

Thanx Aussie :p :D

Arfie said:
Any chance you can upoad the fullsize pics somewhere, so I can get the best version possible as I'd like to print a couple off myself.
they are pretty much the size that they uploaded on my computer, i think they might have been cut down by like 5%, i burnt the same size i put on here and the camera place, printed them out and then we built some frames
Amazing, bloody amazing pictures mate. How did you manage to get the moments when the lightning struck?
You must of taken hundreds to get the good ones, Best pictures iv seen for ages.
They are Utterly Amazing Snaps of Nature.

Love the 1st 1.
Nidge said:
Amazing, bloody amazing pictures mate. How did you manage to get the moments when the lightning struck?
You must of taken hundreds to get the good ones, Best pictures iv seen for ages.
lol it did, i took so many pictures that day, and these were the best ones
Those a great pictures Aussie!

I havn't seen lightning down here for ages...which is a good thing i guess :lol:
hi there, sorry for dragging up this old thread :/

Today I was reading my boyfriends computer magazine and in it were results of a photograph competition for best digital photo, well one of them looked very familier so I came to do some digging.

Sorry I dont know how to link but the web address is

I am sure the lightning pic in the runner up section is the exact same as the last one posted here by aussie star, although in the magazine credit is given to Keith Ingram of Milton Keynes UK :S

What do you all think? has Aussie Star had his pic nicked?

EDIT: Keith Ingram has won himself an Epson Stylus RX420
OooOoh, sounds like a controversy. Aussie Star should email that mag. I can't get that addy to work though, I'll try again.

EDIT~ It works. Note to self...*don't include the period when copying and pasting links*

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