N0body Of The Goat
Oddball and African riverine fish keeper
Just spent the late morning of my first official holdiday day visiting two fish stores not so local to me, in Totton and Romsey.
Due to an ongoing issue of unhappy Yellowtails and Pearl Danios when I turn on the T5 lighting in the 240l (they "glue" to the floor in comaprison to swimming in the upper levels when the lights are off) , I took inspiration from a Romsey World Of Water tank containing young Discus, which had a a ~2-foot long piece of bogwood suspended by suckers to give a good sized shady area.
I came away with a fairly thin "triangle" shaped piece, roughly 24" long and 12" wide at the big end, weighing just over 5Kg. The staff member reckoned four Eheim suckers screwed into the flat edge should hold it, but he suggested using something underneath too (bogwood, rocks, anything else sturdy enough) just in case!
I'm thinking of using two plastic tubes on end, that are about 10" long, as the emergency support struts.
Does anyone who has done similar projects on tanks think this sounds a reasonable plan?
Due to an ongoing issue of unhappy Yellowtails and Pearl Danios when I turn on the T5 lighting in the 240l (they "glue" to the floor in comaprison to swimming in the upper levels when the lights are off) , I took inspiration from a Romsey World Of Water tank containing young Discus, which had a a ~2-foot long piece of bogwood suspended by suckers to give a good sized shady area.
I came away with a fairly thin "triangle" shaped piece, roughly 24" long and 12" wide at the big end, weighing just over 5Kg. The staff member reckoned four Eheim suckers screwed into the flat edge should hold it, but he suggested using something underneath too (bogwood, rocks, anything else sturdy enough) just in case!
I'm thinking of using two plastic tubes on end, that are about 10" long, as the emergency support struts.
Does anyone who has done similar projects on tanks think this sounds a reasonable plan?