Sushini, Sashimi, you know what I meant
I had only heard it spoken, not seen it written so I took a guess.
I had a roommate who was from China and after spring break he came back with some canned dog meat. So I tried it and it was actually not that bad.
I'd happily eat cat or dog meat, but I don't like the taste of seafood
Isn't it odd how one cultures cuisine differs to the point of another cultures offense??
For instance, it is very taboo in North America to eat dog meat, but in parts of the pacific rim, it is perfectly normal fare.
We eat cows with reckless abandon here in North America, and beef is somewhat of a delicacy in Japan, but the Hindus in India worship cows, and the thought of eating them is very offensive and disgusting.
Even where I live, in Ontario, it is illegal to eat horse meat, and is considered disgusting, but in Quebec, less than 30 minutes from here, it is perfectly legal and a delicacy.
edit: spelling and grammar