Sump/refugium Questions

Shoulda read your sig :blush:. So long as you dont try to get too exotic with your coral selection and so long as you don't try to over-stock your tank you can get by without a sump. Installing a small sump in the 10-20g range (which is about all you could fit in that stand) wouldn't really be all that worth it. Going sump-less is likely the best of ideas for someone in your situation, just remember that you'll struggle with corals that love super-clean water like SPS. If either over-stocking or keeping SPS corals is important to you, then I'd still go with a sump, but if neither of those is important to you, go sump-less. I know N1Z doesnt use a sump on his 55g with mostly softies and a couple LPS and his tank does great. If you keep on-top of your water changes, gravel vac often, have sufficient surface flow/ripple, and stock modestly you can totally do it.

Having said all that, definitely get that tank, its a steal and a half at probably anything under 600 GBP
I think is slowly changing to the sump from what you have written as I wouldn't do a marine without a sump.

Would you reccomend making one and if so could you help me how to, or where would you advsie to buy one from, I am thinking of buying a little unit for my mum to store the sump, also could you show me a diagram of how many compartments I would need for my sump to go with my tank.
The simplest sump is two compartments, one for hardware (skimmer, heater, reactors, etc), and another for the return pump. I prefer a 3-compartment sump, one for equipment, one for a refugium to grow macro algae in, and one for the return pump. Here's a basic drawing I modified for someone else on this forum just to give you an idea. Its a side view


This basically just takes a stock tank and uses glass walls siliconed in between. Again though, you need to start with how you're going to do your overflow out of the display tank first as this determines what happens in the sump. The order of decisions here is overflow type/size --> return pump tyoe/size --> sump type/size. So I ask again, will you be drilling the tank and using a durso or calfo overflow, or using an overflow box
as my household are no good at diy and my dad might help but il doubt it so il be using an overflow box is that ok?
as my household are no good at diy and my dad might help but il doubt it so il be using an overflow box is that ok?

So long as we size the pump correctly, yes. Next thing which I unfortunately can't help you out with (since I dont live in the UK) is to find an overflow box. You'd probably be looking for something in the 300-600gph range for simplicity and ease of use. Have a poke around online and see what you find :)
thanks for the help i will update later as i have footy training in a minuite lol but when il get back il do a new post and have a look online remember to have a look my fourm what would you sugest.... beacuse i will be posting on there 2 :good: :nod:
i have asked the seller of the item (link in last post) if they had a sump they said yes but is a homemade/custommade sump in the bottom right cabinet and u can look at it closer up in 1 of the pther pics what i wold like to know is the sump big enough for that tank? as i have been told for a 75 gallon u need at least a 20 gallon sump

heres the link again

i just posted this on my topic but just case i posted it on this topic aswell


he has said it is a 20 ltr / 5 us gallon sump wich is basic and has a water purifer and a skimmer he aslo uses a fliter in the tank is this ok beacuse i am going 2 put a bid in but it ends 2 day at 7 o clock
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