Sump/refugium Questions


Lets go Flyers
Sep 17, 2006
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I'm still a bit confused on what a sump really is. Is it just a tank that has siphons running water in and out of the main tank? I know it increases the water volume, but is that all? Also, I noticed most refugiums hung on or inthe tank, but could that seems like it would distract from the main tank. Could you also put it below in a stand, like you would a sump?

How does a sump work???

A sump gives you greater control over your reef or fish-only display tank. The benefits far exceed the risks, and thus most successful aquariums you'll see utilize a sump. Some even incorporate a refugium as well. Here are the numerous benefits derived from incorporating a sump into your current setup:

* Increased total water volume - This dilutes your water of accumulating pollutants, and helps avoid issues that occur quickly in sumpless tanks.
* Skims the surface - No more surface scum, just crystal clear water.
* Lowers temperature - I've observed a 2° F drop after the sump is installed.
* Hides equipment - Heaters, protein skimmers, monitoring probes, grounding probes and more can be moved to the sump & out of the display tank.
* Consistent water level - The display tank will maintain the same water level all the times; evaporation occurs in the sump over time (see auto top-off).
* Safe place to pour in additives - Adding chemicals or new (Reverse Osmosis De-Ionized) water in the sump allows it to mix before entering the display tank.
* Increased circulation - The return water from the sump is yet another way to move water in your tank. You can point the return outlet(s) in different directions to create flow, instead of putting more powerheads in your display tank!
* Increased oxygenation - As water drains into your sump, air mixes in the water, allowing beneficial gas exchange, releasing CO2 and adding fresh O2.

A sump is not just for providing extra water volume, but an area where you can keep unsightly equipment outside of your display and increase water flow. Refugiums are what the name implies, an area free form natural predators offering micro-organisms a refuge.

These are normally found beneath the aquarium, (its rarer for large efficient refugiums to be found inside or HOB (hang on back)), with a pump pushing water back up to the display. The best possible design is having your refugium above your display, so life is allowed to flow into the tank un-disturbed by an impeller. Many reefers still notice whole creatures making it from their refugium to their display after going through a pump though.
Also sumps can house cryptic,filter feeder and alege fuges.
All of these produce zooplankton and larger organisms.

Alege fuges have the added abbility to house alege for nutrient export .
Filter feeder fuges clean water of small detris.
Cryptic fuges have filter feeders(tunicates,sea sponges, feather dusters) also sponges are a form of nutrient export .
My favorite thing about my sump is that if I waterchange, I have a place to do it without disturbing the tank too much. Also its a fantastic place to dose and I dont worry if my skimmer spits some microbubbles back into the water (which it does a LOT)
Is there anything that goes in the sump, other than equiptment? Like live rock, substrate, anything?
Is there anything that goes in the sump, other than equiptment? Like live rock, substrate, anything?

Live rock any substrate .
Frags for growing.
Alege for harvest.
Non reef safe inverts.
cryptic animals.
if it can go in your main tank it can go in a sump.

Some people run sumps that look just as nice as the main tank.
So you would have a light on it? Could someone show me a photo of thier sump, please?
Lighting depends on what you use it for.

if you have a cryptic sump to grow sponges and seasquirts than no light

For the normal alege fuge any standard light bulb will do
Could someone show me a photo of thier sump, please?
Have a look at, specifically at this diagram.

For the normal alege fuge any standard light bulb will do

Id light the fuge with something like this if I were to run macro. You will want to keep things cool, so Flouros, either T5 or T8, but these don't have a built in reflector, whereas the bulbs used at Melevs site have a reflector, and plug straight into a socket. A bulb closest to 5000K will also give you good macro growth.

Edit: Its also spelled Algae.
LOL, thats ok. I was just seeing it a few times and thought Id bring it up. :good: Lucky for me the new FireFox update has a built in spell check, im terrible too. :blush:
There's a new firefox? lol. :rolleyes: Thanks for the help.
if you have a cryptic sump to grow sponges and seasquirts than no light
So what would you have for that, and what benefit does it have?
Sorry, I know this is going to get a little off topic of sumps, but I don't really wanna start a million new topics for all the questions I have. :unsure:
There's a new firefox? lol. :rolleyes: Thanks for the help.
if you have a cryptic sump to grow sponges and seasquirts than no light
So what would you have for that, and what benefit does it have?
Sorry, I know this is going to get a little off topic of sumps, but I don't really wanna start a million new topics for all the questions I have. :unsure:

Zonal sumps are a new idea in the world of reefing.

Each zone requires different lighting, flow and water quality. You can allow nature to take its' course and settle with what it gives you, or you can harness the power by manipulating each zone for maximum efficiency.

Lets talk about cryptic zones

Not much is known about them.

We do know that sponges,seasquirts and other dark zone animals filter water vary well and that live sponges can work better than most hob filters.

These animals also use harmfull heavy metals and organics to grow.

benthic invertebrates, such as copepods, sponges, tunicates and worms live on the underside of the rock, where it's dark and flow is minimal

nitrate and phosphate removing benthic invertebrates will excel if they are given more surface area, such as egg-crate panels

Benthic zooplankton such as copods breed vary well and will feed your tank

Here are some links on cryptic sumps
Cryptic zone pics and talk

practicalfishkeeping article


An finally a link on what is the best of both worlds
Algae and a cryptic zone Duplex sump
I might set up a duplex sump for my tank.

Remember that this info is new and that i myself am new at this and that all i know is what i have read.
When a sump is involved, does the tank need to be drilled?

Also could a tank survive (of 50 US gallons) without a sump or skimmer?

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