Sudden Epiphany

I'd like to put this photo on every LFS pleco tank in the world. Problem is, would it deter people or make them buy more?

The way I see it is if you want a particular fish research it first if you tank does not meet requirements then either forget it or get the suitable equipment

That's the only reason why I have a large tank in my front room because I like large cichlids

I'd like to put this photo on every LFS pleco tank in the world. Problem is, would it deter people or make them buy more?


Think my common is even larger
I think those of us who have been on this forum for a while know what we're supposed to do. It's everybody else I'm worried about.
I'd like to put this photo on every LFS pleco tank in the world. Problem is, would it deter people or make them buy more?

I honestly don't think it would change anything. The tags on plecos always say 24+ inches, but people buy them anyway under the "fish only grow to the size of the tank" myth

The way I see it is if you want a particular fish research it first if you tank does not meet requirements then either forget it or get the suitable equipment

That's the only reason why I have a large tank in my front room because I like large cichlids

I'd like to put this photo on every LFS pleco tank in the world. Problem is, would it deter people or make them buy more?


Think my common is even larger
I'd love to see it if you have pictures :hyper:
Only have an older one when I first got it

Jeez, he's huge :crazy: Not a big fan of plecos in general, but that's quite the fish :blink:
Remember people, we say that the lfs should stop selling common plecos, oscars and such, most of them are just in it for the money, they dont care if this fish is going to live in a jar, most just care about the money.
Some lfs however are responsible and question you about your tank and make sure the fish is suitable for them but they are far and few between.

That's why we need people to be informed and stop buying them... or constantly returning them when they get a little too big. Then maybe the LFS would realize that it wouldn't actually be making money selling this particular fish and look into some other stock... like BN plecos, pitbull plecos, etc. Its not like there aren't other options, they are just not as readily available. Ultimately, if people stop buying it, then the LFS would stop stocking it. That's my hope. That's why the folks on here offer the advice that we do, with the hope that silly things like this don't happen.
I have just gone from a 120 litre to a 240 litre tank for the sole purpose of giving my six clown loaches more room (the fact that while the main lights are on they all gallingly stay huddled in a corner which might equate to a 5 litre tank is besides the point) and I know that one day they will be too big for that and then I shall...well, I don't know what I shall do, I'll worry about it then.

Keeping fish in the best conditions one can is about all we can do if we want to keep fish. For a natural life the best place for fish is where they naturally live but they will die early and probably messily and painfully because that's the way it is and sometimes an artificial environment makes for a long and happy life.

I have two rabbits and three guinea pigs (living separately), I have done the best I can to give them room and things to do. I bought a shed for them, there is nothing else in the shed except them and stuff for them ( see My GP and Rabbit house ), AND they get out in a large run in the summer. It's the best I can do to give them a good life and that's what I do for my fish.

An earlier post said that fish try to live, eat and breed and well said. A poorly kept fish will either not live, not eat and certainly not breed but if they are doing all three they are not doing so badly and that's pretty good.

Our fish are in tanks, our responsibility is to do our best for them since we put them there.


Remember people, we say that the lfs should stop selling common plecos, oscars and such, most of them are just in it for the money, they dont care if this fish is going to live in a jar, most just care about the money.
Some lfs however are responsible and question you about your tank and make sure the fish is suitable for them but they are far and few between.

I went in to my lfs the other day to "browse" :ninja: and was looking at the different plecos they had. They had a golden nugget :drool: , a king tiger plec, and a bunch of bristlenoses and commons. When I asked about the different plecos (testing them, i'm new to the area) they mentioned the common as a good algae eater. after me saying that it would get too big for my tank, the girl shrugged and said that they take them back once they get too big. :blink: Wouldn't it just be easier to buy the bristlenose and keep it????
I don't get it. What is the attraction to big ugly fish? ;-)
:lol: All a matter of opinion, I guess. Call me size biased, but I'm always more attached to larger fish than I am to smaller ones. Granted, as much as I would love a big ole 2 foot long fish of sorts, all I have right now is a 30 inch long tank, so I keep a firemouth instead. Maybe some day when I make enough to support myself, I will get a big ole 10 foot or so long tank for the monster fish I crave :good:
I'd like to put this photo on every LFS pleco tank in the world. Problem is, would it deter people or make them buy more?


Is this fish still alive or is it dead? Did it die or did you catch it? Or are you releasing it?

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