Stupidest/craziest thing during quarantine?

@Salty&Onion, you have a lot to live for. I suffered through a very deep depression years ago and considered taking my life. Instead, I got help and became a much stronger and better person from my experience. I ended up in psychiatric nursing. When we are depressed, we begin having “all or nothing” thinking. Everything is “all bad”, or “all difficult”, etc. This is our brain telling us lies. “”I’m never going to be happy” is an all or nothing thought and it is a lie. No one goes through life never being happy. You need to catch those negative thoughts and change them into positive ones. I suggest you get some books on Cognitive Therapy and read them. David D. Burns wrote a book called “Feeling Good”. It teaches cognitive therapy and is easy to understand. I have learned to identify self-defeating thoughts and to change them into positive thoughts. For instance, I may think “Quarantine is killing me.” I then stop and say,” no, it is giving me a chance to rest and regroup. “ One last thing...My father committed suicide. It was a selfish act that caused intense pain for our entire family. Never do that to anyone you love! My prayers are with you.
One of my closest friends has had a really hard life. Was abused by her birth family and her adoptive family. She was so hopeless and wanted to die. She actually attempted it multiple times, but she got counseling...she talked to people and got help, she got medication. Now she is doing really well..she has a job and is stable. Yes she has down days but she pushed through and things got better. She had 18 years of hardship and had depression for 8 years but she survived! She wants to be a social worker and help kids like her who suffered, she wants to give them hope. Good can come from pain

You can do this salty I believe in you.

My brother was suicidal for over a year. It is scary. I know. But people care and can help you.

I've had 2 people I know commit suicide. And my cousin tried and ended up in a coma for months. You have so much to live for
Have you been to a doctor recently?
I know it's a bad time to go out but you could have heart disease. You really need an ECG stress test to check your heart and make sure that is ok. Then find out what is wrong with your body.

If you can, try to move around more. While watching television, stand up during the adds and walk around the house or do some squats. Try to go for a walk each day. If you can't go for a walk, at least try to go outside for the first 30 minutes each day after you wake up. The blue light will help you feel better.

Have daylight globes (with a 5500-6500K rating) on during the day and warm globes (2500-3500K) at night. You can even buy blue globes (not ultra violet) and have one on in your room during the day.

Try to reduce foods that have flour or sugar in the first 5 ingredients. Flour and sugar cause inflammation in your body and this can lead to heart disease and diabetes.


Does your mum care for you, or do you care for her?
Either way, you need to get out more and get more blue light. And try to talk to a doctor or counsellor to fix any underlying health issues.
It's true about blue it vibrates at a high level and can cheer you up. Also the green is good for you, trees, grass, flowers, because they are alive and also they clean the air and wave at you when it's windy!
I always feel better after I go to a park.
I live in the city, but green areas are close.
It's true about blue it vibrates at a high level and can cheer you up. Also the green is good for you, trees, grass, flowers, because they are alive and also they clean the air and wave at you when it's windy!
I always feel better after I go to a park.
I live in the city, but green areas are close.
Parks, fields, and forests sure do make me happy.
Except eating greens... :fun:

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