Stupidest/craziest thing during quarantine?

I feel depressed all the time. I'm pretty sure everyone out there has had the thought, "No on loves me, not one person". But that is wrong and negative thinking. I know this virus makes it a lot worse. I myself am going stir crazy. Rain all the time, bad WiFi, everything dying, etc.

Don't give up on yourself. God has a special plan for you life. Even if you don't know what that is yet. (Even I don't know...)
I'll do one squat.. and I'm already out of breath.
Ages ago I could run fast for long distances and now... I get easily out of breath and can't run or do anything else for longer without being out of breath.
Have you been to a doctor recently?
I know it's a bad time to go out but you could have heart disease. You really need an ECG stress test to check your heart and make sure that is ok. Then find out what is wrong with your body.

If you can, try to move around more. While watching television, stand up during the adds and walk around the house or do some squats. Try to go for a walk each day. If you can't go for a walk, at least try to go outside for the first 30 minutes each day after you wake up. The blue light will help you feel better.

Have daylight globes (with a 5500-6500K rating) on during the day and warm globes (2500-3500K) at night. You can even buy blue globes (not ultra violet) and have one on in your room during the day.

Try to reduce foods that have flour or sugar in the first 5 ingredients. Flour and sugar cause inflammation in your body and this can lead to heart disease and diabetes.

Depends if my mom will want or not... everything in my life depends on her..
Does your mum care for you, or do you care for her?
Either way, you need to get out more and get more blue light. And try to talk to a doctor or counsellor to fix any underlying health issues.
Have you been to a doctor recently?
I know it's a bad time to go out but you could have heart disease. You really need an ECG stress test to check your heart and make sure that is ok. Then find out what is wrong with your body.

If you can, try to move around more. While watching television, stand up during the adds and walk around the house or do some squats. Try to go for a walk each day. If you can't go for a walk, at least try to go outside for the first 30 minutes each day after you wake up. The blue light will help you feel better.
My possible heart disease makes sense actually. My mom has it and from what I have been told that it it genetical..

I do move around the house, sometimes I make myself run from couch to my tank and I'm out of breath..
Salty even if you have a heart disease it can be treated and you will be able to live a moslty normal life
Salty even if you have a heart disease it can be treated and you will be able to live a moslty normal life
How? My mom will only say that's bull when I'll tell her. She'll kill me.


@Colin_T , I've posted a picture, a screen shot, that I did.
I circled the symptoms that I have..
Hurting throat I get now in the mornings when I wake up.. its so dry and hurts.
Teeth/jaw, I can't eat any sour sweets or too hard things..


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How? My mom will only say that's bull when I'll tell her. She'll kill me.


@Colin_T , I've posted a picture, a screen shot, that I did.
I circled the symptoms that I have..
Hurting throat I get now in the mornings when I wake up.. its so dry and hurts.
Teeth/jaw, I can't eat any sour sweets or too hard things..
Why will your mom kill you? Its not your fault.
@Fishmanic , If I'll tell this to my mom, she is going to say that's bull and she is going to call me stupid idiot. I'm serious, I can't say anything to her :(
well if your dad is around, maybe he can help you get help
well if your dad is around, maybe he can help you get help
My father is in Poland, he stayed there and dragged me and my mom through court cases. Now he doesn't call me.
even talk to the school nurse...they may help you get help
My school is closed down, and I won't be back there until it is safe.
My possible heart disease makes sense actually. My mom has it and from what I have been told that it is genetical..

I do move around the house, sometimes I make myself run from couch to my tank and I'm out of breath..
Some heart disease is genetic but stress, diet and lack of exercise are major factors that cause heart disease. Smoking and alcohol also contribute to heart disease.

Your symptoms (shortness of breath after just moving short distances, pain in the teeth/ jaw, chest pain, sore cold legs, etc) are all symptoms of heart problems and should be checked by a doctor ASAP. You should also consult a dentist to make sure there is nothing weird in your mouth/ jaw.

The doctor will listen to your heart and lungs and check your blood pressure. Then probably send you off for an ECG (monitor your heart beat for a few minutes). They should also send you off for an ECG Stress Test, where they do an ultrasound of your heart while resting, then get you to walk on a tread mill or use an exercise bike, then do another ultra sound of your heart.

They have equipment and professionals in the room when you do this just in case you have a heart attack. But these tests will either rule out heart disease, or tell your doctor what is wrong with your heart.

If your heart is really bad, the doctor will probably put you on 100mg of Aspirin per day, and a Beta Blocker. The Aspirin will thin your blood a bit and make it less likely to clot and cause a heart attack. The Beta Blocker will reduce your blood pressure and reduce the amount of oxygen your heart needs so your heart suffers less damage if you do have a heart attack.

Your doctor should also put you on a low GI (Glycemic Index) diet that has mainly low fat meat and vegetables, and contains very little flour or sugar. This is the type of diet that diabetics eat and is a good way to help your overall health, as well as help with heart disease and diabetes, which go hand in hand with each other.

They will probably tell you to go for a short walk every day. Rest when you get tired, then try to walk some more.

I have a bad heart that runs in my family. My grandfather (died from a heart attack), and my aunty and I have the same bad heart. The main issue is a leaky valve which means I get tired quickly, however it also makes the heart more susceptible to other problems.

I caught a couple of mosquito borne viruses in 2000 & 2002 that damaged my heart. I was poisoned in 2006 and lost most of my family and friends around the same time. I suffered a huge amount of stress and had a number of heart attacks and that did a lot of damage to my heart. I also had a heart attack while living on the street in 2016 and wasn't on medication because it had been stolen, and I couldn't get any help. My heart has been permanently damaged by that and my life has been shortened because of that.

I have been on heart medication since 2006 and had 5 heart attacks and 2 strokes.

As long as I eat right and exercise each day, I will live like this until I die.

I try to walk for at least 1 hour each day. That is hard now due to covid19 and I normally go for a walk late at night or early in the morning so there are fewer people outside.

I have a bicycle on an indoor trainer and when I use that for 30 minutes in the morning, it makes a huge difference to how I feel physically and mentally.

I take 300mg of Co Enzyme Q10 each day to help repair damage in my heart.

I am on Aspirin and a Beta Blocker and used to have nitroglycerine in my fridge to take if I have a heart attack. I don't have a fridge now so no nitroglycerine. Nitroglycerine is used in an emergency heart attack to dilate the blood vessels and allows the cells to carry more oxygen to the heart. It also causes a bad headache but the headache is nothing compared to the chest pain and freaking out while you die from a heart attack.

I try to eat meat and vegetables as my main meals and avoid grains, flours and sugars where possible. This doesn't mean I avoid them completely, I do occasionally splurge, but most of the food I eat is meat and veg.

You can live with heart disease and you can even reverse it. But you need to work with your doctor, do regular exercise to work the heart muscle, eat right and take medications prescribed by your doctor.

On the subject of medication, if you do have heart disease and your doctor wants to put you on astatin or statin type medications to reduce your cholesterol, tell them no. These medications do reduce your cholesterol but they also damage your liver and you might have a low cholesterol level but you can die from liver failure. A well balanced diet that is low in saturated fats, sugars and flour, will help more than statin/ astatin medications and make a big difference to your health.
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