Stupid Question....


Mar 10, 2007
Reaction score
Manchester, UK
Pardon my stupidity. When you search through the members list, what does 'views' in the small summary profile represent, i know its going to be something fairly obvious, but i don't get it....
Never do.
Perhaps it means topics they've viewed, versus topics they've been active in. :look:

Okay, forget that theory, I just looked.... maybe..... it's the number of times people have viewed that particular profile..... yeah, I like that guess much much better. :good:
No, no... its too low, unless its updated daily? I thought its maybe the number of times that i have viewed other peoples profiles, but then it must be wrong because i'm getting nought for people whos profile i definately have viewed...
Edited to add; See great minds again but there must be people who have had more views than that, if it is based on personal views then it can be tested, how many does it list on yours for wilder?
how many does it list on yours for wilder?

um..... errrr..... what's that? :look:

By the way, I'm completely revising my theory..... again..... because I looked at your profile and the number didn't change.

Soooooooooooo.... my new theory is.... "view" refers to the number of times you've seen your neighbor 3 doors down and 2 floors up in a green lace thong. Male, female, doesn't really matter. But it's gotta be a green lace thong. :hyper:
Search the members list for wilder, she's the local deity that can often be found looking after fish in the emergency section....
I looked..... and.... I'm sticking with my thong theory....

Oh, by the way, you're a real hottie.... nice picture in your profile. :hey:
Must have been the wrong profile!
Just in case, i don't own a green lace thong either....
Anyway *shakes of embarrasment* i guess i'll have to wait for a mod....

:whistle: lalalalalalaaa
Hey, I might not have been able to answer your question.... well, not correctly anyway.... but at least we had fun! :fun:
I had seen that before and thought it was the number of times someone had viewed your profile in a certain time period but that's probably not right. I looked in the help section and it appears there are a lot of things that aren't being used such as being able to add comments to a member's profile and also ratng a member (I could see both of those being potential problems). Since some things aren't being used, the Views probably don't mean anything.
B)-->QUOTE(Lynda B @ Jul 9 2007, 11:35 AM) [snapback]1684810[/snapback]
Oh, by the way, you're a real hottie.... nice picture in your profile. :hey:[/quote]

I am going to have to agree!

Uh-oh don't tell my hubby :angel:

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