//stuarts New Tank Cycle

Day  Date   PH    PH(high)  Ammonia  Nitrate   Nitrite
19    9Mar  7.6   7.4       2ppm     40ppm     0.25ppm
20   10Mar  ---   ---       2ppm     40ppm     0.50ppm

Small creep up of NitRITE at last, magical seeing the purple colour at last!

Forgot to post, that I also did my KH/GH readings.

KH 71.6 and GH 7 dkh
Even though it's looking a little slow, it's looking pretty textbook the way nitrite is happening about the same time as ammonia is first hitting zero. Slow fishless cycles are good fishless cycles usually.

Day  Date   PH    PH(high)  Ammonia  Nitrate   Nitrite
21   11Mar  ---   ---       1ppm     40ppm     5.00ppm

At last a massive jump in Nitrite levels, from 0.5 to 5.0 in 24hrs.

Hopefully Ammonia at zero tomorrow. Fingers crossed.
Hopefully 0ppm tomorrow.

Then dose back up to 4ppm and it should drop quickly to 0ppm.
Then halve the dosing as you should be in the nitrite 'spike' phase fully.

I would recommend testing ph daily as that is a goods indicator if anything is going to go wrong in the cycling. You dont use much of the test liquid and it will last you ages.
The nitrate you can do every other day as when the nitrite is high, the nitrate test is less reliable.
Day  Date   PH    PH(high)  Ammonia  Nitrate   Nitrite
22   12Mar  ---   ---       0.25ppm     ----   >5.00ppm   Nitrite off chart, added 3ml of ammonia
23   13Mar  7.2   ---       0.50ppm   120ppm   >5.00ppm   Nitrite off chart, added 2ml of ammonia
I would suggest letting ammonia drop to 0ppm before re-dosing.
That is the recommended method.
I think by allowing it to drop to 0ppm you help build a stroger bacterial colony (thats what i read somewhere).

Re-check ph just to make make sure.

If the ph gets towards 6 then you can either do a water change or dose the tank with bicarbonate of soda to help the buffering capacity (alkalinity).
If you use bicarb then 1 teaspoon per 50L. This needs to mixed in thoroughly and test at 12 and 24hrs to verify and then add carefully to get desired ph.

I preferred te water change route but many have used the bicarb route. It just needs a complete clean at the end of the cycle.
Day  Date   PH    PH(high)  Ammonia  Nitrate   Nitrite
24   14Mar  7.6   ---       0.25ppm     ----   >5.00ppm   Nitrite off chart
25   15Mar  7.6   ---       0.00ppm     ----   >5.00ppm   First Ammonia ZERO - Nitrite off chart, added 3ml of ammonia (9pm)
:good: :good: :good: :good: :good:
ใน บาคาร่าออนไลน์
ห้ามนำสัตว์ทุกชนิดเข้ามาโดยเด็ดขาดไม่ว่าสัตว์นั้นจะนำโชคให้ บาคาร่าออนไลน์หรือผู้เล่นก็ตาม
Day  Date   PH    PH(high)  Ammonia  Nitrate   Nitrite
26   16Mar  ---   ---       0.00ppm     ----   >5.00ppm   Nitrite off chart, added 3.5ml of ammonia
27   17Mar  ---   ---       0.00ppm     ----   >5.00ppm   Nitrite off chart, added 3.5ml of ammonia
28   18Mar  7.2   ---       0.00ppm     ----   >5.00ppm   Nitrite off chart, added 3.5ml of ammonia
29   19Mar  7.2   ---       0.50ppm     ----   0.50ppm    Nitrite+Ammonia @ 0.5ppm, no ammonia added

Heres an update on my cycle, both ammonia and Nitrate have dropped to 0.5ppm, which I'm pleased with, although I was hoping the Ammonia was going to be zero, so I didn't re-add ammonia today. Although I have tested 2 hours earlier than usual (got to go out!)

Anything to worry about? Assuming that both Ammonia and Nitrite are zero tomorrow - what do I do then ?
Looks like your coming out of the second stage. Im sure it would have been zero at normal testing time.
You have continued dosing at 4ppm which doesnt matter as it has been processed easily.
Just keep an eye on your ph now and check nitrate as well due to build up of nitric acid as it has progressed through nitrogen cycle.

Continue dosing at 4-5ppm at 24hrs when ammmonia is zero and start testing at 12hrs for ammonia and nitrite.

DOSE ---->
12HRS TEST AMMMONIA & NITRITE if either are zero then dont test that at 24hrs
24HRS TEST if required and DOSE AMMONIA if zero (it will be)
Checked at 11am this morning, and ammonia and nitrite at 0ppm - yippeee! :good: :good:

I've added in ammonia of 2.75ml, as I was overdosing with 3.5ml before. Will test again tonight and see whats happening.

Most reactions
