Structural Integrity Compromised?


Fish Gatherer
Apr 11, 2009
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That sounds a bit star trek doesn't it-lol!?
So I have this tank at work with 2 axolotls in. It's a juwel so has built in support underneath (ie doesn't need to be on polystyrene)
Just noticed this damage to it though


Is it in any danger of cracking/collapse do you think? Not sure how it's happened, certainly it's way to heavy to have been moved.
Thanks :)
If the tank is filled, I would un-fill it, there will be stresses and strains acting on that corner of the tank due to the lack of support underneath, might be worth contacting Juwel, but if you could remove the whole of the base so it's just flat and place it on polystyrene it should be fine like that, IIRC George Farmer did that on one of his Juwel tanks.
Oh, and did anyone mention quickly!? :unsure:
Thanks guys, I'll get onto it tomorrow. Don't think we've got any polystyrene, but you can get those thin black sheets to stand tanks on now can't you? Might look better anyway.
I'd get it done now personally, the longer you leave it the more likely the glass is to fracture.
i wouldn't be using that tank any more unless you can replace the bottom section ,the way it is now the tank has no support on that corner and will most probably crack ,i would at least drop the water level down as far as possible to take the stress of it until you can get it sorted.

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