Seismic activity

  • Thread starter Deleted member 149562
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In my opinion Climate is still the biggest issue. The area in Turkey of the world has, in recent geological sense, always had large earthquakes, and the number of people affected doesn't approach the number that are being displaced with rising ocean levels or who have been suffering due to droughts and floods recently. Unfortunately, we as a species have a propensity of assuming it will not happen to us, and we build in earthquake prone areas. Additionally, there is increasing evidence to suggest that global warming has an influence on the frequency of seismic events here is one paper that looks at Alaska, another earthquake prone area.


If as @WhistlingBadger mentions Yellowstone erupts like it did 1.2 and .6 million years I might have a different opinion.
In my opinion Climate is still the biggest issue. The area in Turkey of the world has, in recent geological sense, always had large earthquakes, and the number of people affected doesn't approach the number that are being displaced with rising ocean levels or who have been suffering due to droughts and floods recently. Unfortunately, we as a species have a propensity of assuming it will not happen to us, and we build in earthquake prone areas. Additionally, there is increasing evidence to suggest that global warming has an influence on the frequency of seismic events here is one paper that looks at Alaska, another earthquake prone area.


If as @WhistlingBadger mentions Yellowstone erupts like it did 1.2 and .6 million years I might have a different opinion.
I wonder whether rising ocean levels impact plate tectonics at all. I know they are undermining florida and the area around the Norfolk naval base
I wonder whether rising ocean levels impact plate tectonics at all. I know they are undermining florida and the area around the Norfolk naval base
I have read some papers that discuss the effects of strong tropical storms affecting fault zones but I couldn't find them again. If you consider the change in forces on the surface if you reduce the air pressure over a large area by nearly 10%, the amount of pressure drop due to largest storms, you would think it would have some effect.
I am not convinced that climate is any threat at all.
Same, I just don’t get it. I know a lot of people get fired up when others say it doesn’t exist and isn’t a problem, but I haven’t seen sufficient evidence or proof to believe/understand it. :dunno:
I keep bees. And I garden, and I have been gardening in the same approximate area for for 39 years, same exact area for 22 years. I have watched weather patterns shift a great deal since about 2006. Less frequent rain - then I get 4 to 8 inches. I have 4 french drains and need to install 2 more. Am about to spend $18K on foundation repair for a combination of super rain falls and a guy down hill raising his grade and diverting water into my yard and even under my house. I've noticed a change. Especially since 2018
OK so the reason New York was high on the list of seismic cities is actually quite chilling.

The programme that I watched had structural engineers, seismologists, architects along with the various government agencies who deal with the monitoring of seismic events (both earthquake and volcanic since both are connected to each other). They also had people who deal with evacuations and the planning thereof.

For those who doubt how serious the seismic threat is to New York and its surrounding areas......a few days ago epicentered close to West Seneca they experienced the strongest earthquake for over 40 years, a 3.8.

The threat is very real.

If you look at the buildings in and around the city of New York there are alot of tall skinny ones. Look at the bridges...all very ornate. Look at the parks.....alll very pretty.

New York subway trains......several parts of the track are above ground. The most well known is the 125th Street has hinges on each end. Back in the days when the subway was built there was no safe way to burrow a tunnel through a fault line, so the trains were placed above ground over the fault lines and the 125th Street bridge has hinges to allow for movement in an earthquake. One slight flaw in the design is that earthquakes tend to move side to side, not up and down so as well meaning as those hinges are, they will fail in the event of an earthquake. The road surfaces in that part of the city are pockmarked with earth movement scars from previous smaller earthquakes that were enough to open fissues in the tarmac but not enough to be noticed by residents.

Many of the older bridges across the city's rivers were built before rebar. Although work is in progress to upgrade the bridges, they are still vulnerable in the event of a 6.5 or higher earthquake.

Now the buildings.

With seismic building codes not introduced until 1995, much of what you see is vulnerable. The experts feel that there are just two pre 1995 buildings that could maybe survive an earthquake greater than 6.5.....the Chrysler and the Empire State. They were built not only to last but they are firmly sat on bedrock.

The area around Battery Park is extremely vulnerable. All that area is made up of spoil and was reclaimed. The spoil came from the foundation pits, including the very deep cut basements, of the Twin Towers. The spoil is mostly sand/clay mix, typical riverbed material.

The combined effect of the rivers, the high water table, the use of reclaimed land backfilled with spoil from construction makes the ground underneath those gleaming buildings very vulnerable to liquefaction.

To understand liquefaction.....if you stand on a beach where the tide can reach and stamp up and down for 5-10 minutes, the water held deep below the surface rises to the surface and you start stamping in puddles, the sand becomes liquid and unstable.

The majority of Manhattan and surrounding boroughs are built on reclaimed spoil land. It is extremely wet due to the high water table thanks to the rivers. The majority of buildings have what are called friction piles, they do not reach bedrock cos there isn't any. Instead the piles are driven deep into the spoil before basement areas are tanked and the highrise built above.

This makes Manhattan and its surrounding boroughs extremely vulnerable to liquefaction during and after earthquakes. Those buildings that resonate at the right frequency during an earthquake will trigger liquefaction in their piles and they will collapse (along with any bridges that were built without rebar, any new extensions to the subway system that cut through fault lines)

There is a contentious issue within the various studies.

The collapse of the Twin Towers and Building Seven. It has split the experts somewhat. There is a degree of evidence that cannot be ignored. The fact that after the 1993 explosion under the Twin Towers, both buildings and the surrounding buildings were inspected from bottom to top. It was discovered that in relation to the Twin Towers, the standard fire prevention measure when built - namely asbestos coatings on all internal steels - had been damaged and much of it was missing. The coatings were likely have been damaged both during construction (due to steels being out in the elements and waiting to be hoisted, the action of being hoisted and the resonation from the explosion releasing already damaged areas). After the 1993 explosion and the introduction of the 1995 seismic building codes, the Twin Towers and its associated buildings were subject to annual inspection and plans had been drawn up to carry out extensive repairs to all steels that showed damage or loss of fire preventative coatings and corrosion. This work included Building Seven where similar issues were discovered even though that building was completed long after the Twin Towers. The remedial work was set to begin in late 2001/early 2002 and was estimated to take around 10 years to complete.

On top of the construction issues, the resonance of the buildings during the 1993 explosion was potentially enough to cause minor liquefaction around the vicinity of the friction piles.....think of a loose tooth, it wiggles alot but doesn't fall out. Come 9/11 and that resonance is far greater still. Coupled with the construction issues, the liquefaction issues plus the event itself and what it consisted of. Add into the mix that days before 9/11 an earthquake epicentered on Central Park with a magnitude 5....and another magnitude 5 hit days later.

Even though many experts shy away from the possibility, the building collapse and the construction issues and the high water table, reclaimed land, liquefaction, explosion and earthquakes does lend itself to being a chain reaction.....and its that chain reaction that has experts extremely concerned about the survivability of a 6.5 or higher earthquake in New York. The consensus is that the majority of buildings, bridges and tunnels will collapse and any tsunami afterwards will essentially wipe the city and its surroundings off the map. A taste of what could well occur in the event of a 6.5 plus earthquake came with both 9/11 and Hurricane Sandy.
I won't dispute any of that. Water is a powerful thing. And we now have earthquakes where I don't think we had prior fault lines due to saline injection wells for the used frackwater. One day at a time, we can only fix a few things and tomorrow is not assured. For anyone
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If you watch the news yes earthquakes seam more common. But that is not what its happening . When scientist look at the the data earthquakes are happening at the same rate every year since we have been keeping track of the them. I live in california were magnitude 3 earthquakes happen almost on a daily basis somewhere in the state. most of the time no one feels them. But occasionally the happen right under major city and a few people feel them, and it makes that national news.. And then I get call from from a relative asking if I felt it. It s wasn't even in the state news and I didn't know about it.

300 years ago europe didn't find out about the American revolution until about month after it happened. And then if looks months for most people in Europe to hear about it. Today it only takes minutes some event on the other side of the world to reach you.

Earthquakes happen redomely but rarely to we get big ones. And sometimes they occurs in places with few people and do not damage any critical infrastructure and don't make the new. Occasionally a big one happens in california but then it is in the news for a short period of time simply because little is damaged and few people die. Everyone did know that turkey would eventually get a magnitude 8 earthquake. So it is not surprising that they got one. However most of the world didn't know how bad the construction was. So the turkey earthquake is going to be in the news for some time because most of the damage and death should have never happened.

Yes human activity make trigger a quake. But rare they do they even reach a magnitude 3. But occasionally people do something really dumb like pumping waste water into the ground under pressure into a active fault area and trigger a magnitude 5.7 quake and cause that damaged about a dozen homes.. The fault was always there in Oklahoma and eventually would have triggered a quake but pumping water into an area with known to have active faults is just dumb. And if the homes had been built to california codes none would have been damaged
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Tectonic plate movement has increased significantly in the last 2-3 decades, causing far stronger earthquakes, harsher volcanic eruptions and those have all become more frequent.
If true, this would be interesting. Certainly, as written the in the rocks, tectonic movement is not entirely consistent through geologic time. It can indeed move in fits and spurts in that regard. Do you have any supporting information for this claim? I'm looking for peer reviewed articles here; or alternatively popular articles that cite their sources.
OK so the reason New York was high on the list of seismic cities is actually quite chilling.
I'm not sure I would qualify the history of seismic activity in NCY as particularly concerning. It is my suspicion this program may have been designed to gin up artificial drama to increase viewership.
I haven’t seen sufficient evidence or proof to believe
I fear it is not possible for me to ask this without it sounding disingenuous. If it comes across that way, please know that is not my intent. Given the proponderance of scientific data supporting the anthorpogenic influence on the rapid climate change that is occurring right now, what would you consider "sufficient evidence" to generate recognition of the climactic changes occurring? The thing is, I am a scientist who works very closely with the people who are doing the work to understand these processes, so it is entirely possible I don't have a good view of this from the outside. Thus, I am truly curious what constitutes evidence outside of these circles. Perhaps you can help me understand.
The Planet is not fighting back. Its Aliens I'm telling you, they have a base on the far side of the moon and are secretly controlling the earth.

Trump is one of these lizard people you know?

You’re on the right track but Nazi Germany has a base on the moon they put there in early 1945. A super secret mineral that produces unlimited energy was discovered there and plans are underway to colonize the outer reaches of space. Werner VonBraun was left here to throw off suspicion and prevent anyone else from following them. There are many of us who know this but we have our orders : cultivate a persona characterized by weird crackpot ideas and spread disinformation. By doing so we keep our superiors safe until they launch the final conquest of Uranus.
...until they launch the final conquest of Uranus.
Before anyone builds on this theme, let me make the obligatory mod reminder to keep things G-rated and family friendly. Thanks, you may carry on. 😜
Before anyone builds on this theme, let me make the obligatory mod reminder to keep things G-rated and family friendly. Thanks, you may carry on. 😜
Thank you Agent @WhistlingBadger . Your cooperation in the Great Coverup will be mentioned before The Big Giant Head.

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