
I took the pic when he was active,happy and healthy and here are the pics I took few seconds ago I hate to put them but just for his health I will do anything to get him better

His position



Does he have trouble swimming at all? I ask as he is sitting at a very awkward angle and these can be signs of swim bladder disease

have a look at this :


Its got a good diagnosis section and what remedies you can use. Apart from swim bladder with no other signs of illness, depression may be a cause.

There is also a section on fin rot with comparative photographs just in case!

Good luck!
Hi, Orcadreamer,
I'm so sorry your fish is ill.
I did just want to mention that Maracyn IS available in Canada, and if your usual LFS doesn't carry it, another one might, as it's a very popular remedy, and that Bettafix is essentially watered down, more expensive Melafix which can be used more cheaply at a half-dose, although Melafix will not kill protozoan parasites, if that's the problem.
It doesn't appear that either of these are currently required, but as they may be at some different time, I thought it might be an idea to mention, so you'll know, if you ever do need them.
Best of luck with your fish, and I do hope he gets better quickly.
He been like this for about week and a half and he isn't swimming at all and he has trouble to get to the surface for air so he never came up for air in this time..He want's to but he can' all he do is lay there and that is all..And the bladder problem he would swim but not him he lay there and breath heavily :(

Today I came back from school and noticed that my sick betta isn't moving but then I saw his moving gills :eek:...His breathing so so so slovely..Could it be a good sign or bad? Please help
If he can't make the surface, he'll drown.
Can you at least float him in his tank in a safe container with a low water level so that he can reach the surface to breathe?
I will buy a breading net today and will put him there but now he is in 1gal container...Yesterday he moved a little bit but today he didn't even move a flipper :( can it be the signs of dying? :(
Bettas need to be able to breathe air from the surface; they can get some small benefit through their gills but not enough to survive any length of time.
If he can't breathe, he'll suffer and die, the same as you would, only more slowly.
That's why it was so essential he be placed in a breeding net or container where he could reach the surface to breathe.

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