

New Member
Apr 14, 2009
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Hey guys I am new here and I was wondering if someone could help me.It started one week ago when my betta start biting his tail.I had him for about 8 month now and he is living in a 10gal tank with 78C with alot of plants.Then I noticed that my betta isn't doing well.I change him a 100% water add bowl condition and put him there.But he still stay like that.He always lay on one side,don't move at all,his colors are dull and his breathing is fast like he been swimming non stop..Also he seems like he is hurt from the bites he done to his tail..Please help me

May need a little bit more info :good:

Is the tank filtered? and cycled?
Any other fish in with him?
Do you have the water test stats? ammonia, nitrIte etc
Are there any visible signs of infection i.e. white spots, fuzzy stuff, etc
Is the tank filtered? and cycled?
Any other fish in with him?
Nope he is all by himself

Amonia 0.6
Nitrite 0.1

Are there any visible signs of infection i.e. white spots, fuzzy stuff, etc


Ok, theres the possible reason. Ammonia and NitrIte needs to be zero :nod: If the filter was cycled, and with only him in there, there shouldn't be ammonia/nitrIte really? If you have just done a water change it should have dropped the readings, so it could have been higher. When you do a water change do you clean the filter? and use a dechlorinator?
Yes I clean the filter and I did the water change yesterday maybe the reading are bad I should try it again

Amonia 0.6
Nitrite 0

Heheheh I forget to clean the tubes after my last check up but the amonia still 0.6 :eek:

How do you clean the filter? Sorry for all the questions, but i can get a better overall picture :good:
If you clean the filter media (sponges/wool) in tap water it will kill the filter. If you clean it in the tank water you syphon off thats good :good:
if you didnt kill the bacteria off the filter media I would sugest getting a new testing kit...they can go bad long before the experation date. then I would test both your tank and tap water and do a very good gravel vac and water change. as tap water can sometimes have trace levels of A in it.
First of all I don't use tap water for my boys :D I buy regular spring water from the store.Also I always clean the filter with the aquarium water and I had it for about 4 month now and nothing bad happened.He never was like that when I clean him water.I noticed thaT he bitet his tail really hard and thats when all happened his breathing and strange behaviours

Ok, so nothing wrong with how you're cleaning the filter media :good: Just dont clean it too often, every 6 weeks is ample.

But, something is wrong, as you wouldn't have ammonia and nitrIte readings otherwise. You need to address these issues first, then see if the tail-biting stops. When was the last water change and how much was changed?

An immediate 50% water change should reduced the ammonia and nitrIte by 50%.
Last water change was 2 days ago and I change 100% I am consern about the betta it's dosen's seemed better ...I wonder what happening to him :( All he does is lay on the bottom and breath fast
Hmmm.....I would get a breeding trap (one of those net ones) and put him in it so he is closer to the surface. I'd also treat with an antibiotic, i believe you guys can get Maracyn in the USA. Whether you will be best with Maracyn 1 or 2 maybe someone can advise, as we dont have it over here.

If, after a 100% water change you still get ammonia and nitrIte readings, then its either in the water you are using or the filter has crashed. The filter can crash through too frequent 100% water changes, as you will be removing the bacteria that the filter needs to feed on. With only one fish there wont be a big bioload anyway. If you have done frequent big changes like this, then your filter may be going through a cycle again. Best doing smaller, 25-30% changes every 2/3 days, but keep a check on the water stats.
Not 100% certain but it sounds a bit like Velvet Disease to me - caused by high ammonia/nitrite levels. The gill chambers become infested with gill parasites which cause the very rapid breathing. It is a very fast killer of fish so you need to start treatment asap!

Not sure where you are located but if you can get hold of Protozin or a similar treatment for Velvet (Oodinium) I reckon that's your best bet.

Bettas can start biting their own tails when they are stressed or scared etc.

Once you have treated him (hopefully successfully) and have got your tank water conditions back to normal levels, the shredded tail will soon grow back (a little Melafix helps).

The only thing is, with Velvet there would be external signs. A light dusting over the body, which the OP hasn't mentioned.

I agree that this is probably directly related to the water stat issue though, thats why it has to be addressed as a matter of importance otherwise any treatment will be negated by the continued stress :good:
OP - May I ask why you don't use tap water? What's wrong with your supply? You can buy dechlorinator to treat it and make it safe.

Also what sort of filter do you have and how much of the media do you clean? With only a betta in a ten gallon I wouldn't have thought you'd need to rinse the media more than once a month to be honest.

Sponges just need a quick rinse/whoosh around in your tankwater, to get the worst bits of gunk off, really no more than than. If you have ceramics then you only need to clean some of the supply, not the whole lot.

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