Strange You May Think But...

derek acora
Does derek still do the show. He makes it up as he goes along. What an actor lol.
I've had a few couple of not-so-fun odd experiences in this house, scared the **** out of me.
In fact this thread is annoying in that it's reminded me of them and I'm probably not going to sleep well thinking about it tonight :lol: .

No-one else in my family has experienced anything though, makes me wonder if I'm actually just mad and see/hear/feel things.

Also seen a couple of very strange UFO's (dunno if that counts as paranormal, but they are often lumped together) - one time it was on the radio, and the other time I pointed it out to my family and we all spent a good 20mins watching it. As usual, pictures dint work out...and neither did the video I got my brother to take.

I don't really have much personal beliefs with regard to this sort of thing kind of thing (I hate to extrapolate beyond describing experiences), but find it interesting reading people experiences.

Yeah, so, I'd be interested in that kind of board lol.
Yup UFOs usually do come hand in hand with this kind of topic. I love reading peoples experiences, some are a load of twoddle but some really do get you thinking.
derek acora
Does derek still do the show. He makes it up as he goes along. What an actor lol.
Derek Acorah is back in a new series to air from Friday 27th February 2009 on Sky Real Lives, not that im gunna watch it, too much growling at himself and shoutng at people, it just doesnt come across as being true. But Yvettes good old screaming is the best thing ever, never heard anyone scream like that and I love the language that comes out of her mouth at times when scared. :lol: :lol: I love seeing people spooked, get me in fits of laughter, makes my cry and kills my sides.
what about the scientific section? wouldnt this fit in there?
That's what I was thinking.l
My house is haunted, didn't know until we moved in. Lights that I turn off at night are on when I get up in a morning. Had pool of water on top of wood burner and absolutely no leak anywhere.
Apparently there was a toliet block in my yard that was for the whole paper mill (my house was formans cottage) One day a man called jack went to the toilet, never came out, he was found dead on the toilet seat. Just after we bought the house 4 yrs ago we disturbed the remains of the toilet block, happenings have been since then. He is not scary, just annoying at times. I lived here without my other half for 6 months as well (he was still in midlands) I had the dog (avatar) for company, never felt scared, annoyed sometimes but never scared.
The house and mill were built 1775, we think jack died in the early 1800's

Why not have a general hobbies section in hobbies, just to tie up all the odd hobbies that are not covered?
I'll second Modaz's request for a section like this :good:

Spent a "VIP" only visit to Pengersic Castle, was well good especially when the sceptical journalist freaked out and legged it :lol: :lol:
Sounds like it could be fun.

My house is haunted, not the first house Ive lived in that is, I think they follow me :lol:

Things often go missing and turn up in the most strange places, I think they believe its fun.

A few times my little boy used to wake up in the night, but I didnt hear him, but my older two boys thought Id gotten up to him because they heard 'me' telling him it was ok and to go back to sleep! That freaked me out as I dont want them messing about with him, so I went into his room and told them to leave him alone, since then they havent bothered him, although he says sometimes he wakes up and see's mist in his room and then it flies away.

Ghosts, so long as they are friendly dont bother me, used to really bother me, but Ive learned to deal with them and Im sure they have learned to deal with us :lol:
While I don't really believe in 'ghosts' I do believe in other paranormal things such as UFO's - would be too big headed to think we're the only life in the whole, massively huge universe. Also I believe in some cryptozoology (not the stupid ones :p). So if they are included in this section I think I'd visit it.
Im very open towards UFO's, Ghosts. It would be good having a forum for this. One where we could share our own experiences and things like that

Would be great! could get dusky to post her spooky pics for you to see. :good:

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