Strange pectoral fins?


"No one is a failure unless you try"
Mar 18, 2004
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Well, I'm new here and joined in hopes that one of you could shed some light on something for me... Yesterday while looking through the half-dead selection of bettas at my local Walmart (hoping to find one worth saving,) I stumbled upon something I've never seen before. At first I thought the poor little thing just had some sort of goop clinging to his pectoral fins, but closer inspection revealed that they are actually just incredibly long! This betta has pectoral fins that are nearly as long as his ventrals. The tips of his pectorals also come to a point, rather than being rounded like those of a normal betta. I bought him just for the novelty of it, and am currently treating him for a slight case of fin rot. Have any of you ever seen anything like this? Is this normal?


whoa... he got 1 bigger than the other.... thats cool... couple of mine have long ones too... but not that long :eek:
That is the coolest thing I have seen in a long time. :hyper:

Get that boy healthy and COMPLAIN to walmart about the bettas...that poor thing has some yucky fin rot. :no:

I have never seen the pointy pec fins like that...You have a very sweet specimen! :)
If the meds cost $100 still get them because he is a rare guy! Never seen a betta like that before.... someone would probably pay lots for him!
I'm currently treating him with Maracyn... It has saved many a fish of mine, so I'm confident it'll fix him right up. I'm thinking I ought to breed him to my crowntail female and see what pops up! Perhaps I can breed a few more like him :)
I just had to post that I've been belly laughing for 10 minutes after reading Aratus' first reply. I don't even know why. Oh god - I think I have cabin fever.

I actually have a betta like this. His pec fins aren't that long, but they certainly look similiar. The first time I noticed them was after I'd brought him home and was looking at him from above. They are very long, and pointed just like yours. :nod: It's a very interesting trait, I personally love it! Obviously it's not very common, I'd like to find out more about it. I'll let you know if I do. :thumbs:
Very Cool Betta.

I love Raphael, Lovely Colors.
Thanks muchly, psgill00. Afriel is my personal favourite (but shh, don't tell the others! :p )

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