Straightening Things Out


Oct 31, 2003
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Alright <sigh> let me get started.

I know some of you read my post about my Beta Tournaments that I participate in in my city. Well I recieved a rather rude reply to that post saying I was an 'ass' and 'I should not be in a fish keeper's forum.' Allow me to explain exactly what a Beta Tournament is....

In my city our local fish enthusiasts hold a weekly fish show from 3 in the afternoon Mountain Standard Time to about 6 at night. Most of the fish sponsored in these events are Betas and Cichlids. Now as for the Beta part of the show here is what happens.

1) A 10 gallon aquarium, bare except for a filter, airstones, and mono-colord gravel and a plant background stuck to the back of the aquarium is staged on a wooden table in the center of the main show room.

2) The competitor's Beta is placed, in his cup, in the tank to be allowed to get used to the water and the surroudings so that great care is taken to insure no maor stress harm will come to the fish. (The aquarium is normally cycled for one week prior to each show, meaning there is actually tournaments every other week to allow for proper recycling.)

3) Returning champion Beta is then placed, also in his cup, in the same tank for the same reasons as above.

4) No bright lights are allowed near the tank so fish are not compramised. Instead a simple non-flourescent light is used in the aquarium.

5) Then both Betas are allowed out one at a time after about 15 minutes of adjusting and are allowed to swim about each other and flare out. Now normally a Beta will give a warning charge to the other before a real fight breaks out. This is what the judges look for.

6) Well the Betas are allowed one warning shot at each other...and normally this take s a while and a lot of flaring before this happens....usually by then one of the Betas chickens out, leaving the other as the winner. If the fight becomes violent and neither Beta shows resistance, than the two fish are seperated via glass seperator and the judges determine the winner by which fish held vigil the longest over the other.

The whole sport is very harmless to the fish and they are well taken care of during battles and after. Fish vets are there the entire time to assess stress levels and administer care afterwards. My Betas have always come home with no ill effects.

I hope this clears things up...If for some reason it doesn't, then I will take my leave if that be the case.
I haven't seen ANY posts where anybody even acknowledged your choice in fish keeping....mind posting a link to the thread? I'm curious... :huh: :shifty:

That sounds like an interesting sport. I'd like to know more about it.
wuvmybetta said:
I haven't seen ANY posts where anybody even acknowledged your choice in fish keeping....mind posting a link to the thread? I'm curious... :huh: :shifty:
Well I could not find the link button so I will copy and paste the post here:

Auratus Posted on Nov 4 2003, 05:39 AM
That's really mean. You can't be in a fish keepers site if you are willing to hurt your fish. That's not being a fish keeper that's being an ass. If you want to fight them go to China or something.

I took offense to that. :( I don't hurt my fish!

:eek: I got two new Blue Gouramis and two new Mollies today! And my 13th Beta, Shockwave. :D Pictures will be here soon!
as you've said, the fish are separated before real contact is made. i understand the purpose, its to show off their great finnage and show off their natural betta personality and tendencies. but since the idea of actually "fighting" them, even if its just a show thing (kind of like professional wresting eh? :lol: ), it might be best not to talk about that subject here, that way no one else gets offended or offends you. you have other fish and will most likely be able to offer great advice on betta care (seeing as how you have so many), so to be on the safe side, maybe you should just post about stuff like that........ there are many here who abhor the idea of hybrid fish, like flowerhorns (is that the name i'm thinking of?) for example, there was long debate on these, so people who own them just don't post about them (if anyone on this forum DOES own them, as i haven't really seen any posts regarding their care since then......)
just my opinion of course, trying to keep the peace thats all. :)
(by the way you sound like you have some beautiful fish, please post pics in the members aquarium section soon so we can all see them :D )
Everyone is entitled to have their own opinion about fish related issues and to post it on this forum, FishHeads. Verbal abuse is another matter, though. If you feel something that was said is improper, there is a button at the top of the post where you can report it to the mods. They WILL address the matter with the offending poster. I suggest you do that. :nod:

You do not owe us or anyone else any justification for your participation if it is a legally held event. And, I respectfully disagree with Many A Molly when she said that if forum members could become offended you should not talk about it. I think that if it bothers them they can either ignore you or state their position in a dignified manner.

That said, why not tell us some more about it. What kind of group sponsors it? Do they have a website? What does it take for a fish to be allowed to participate? Why do you do this--are prizes given, etc.? I'm new to bettas and have never heard of this before--is it a widespread practice? -_-
Now, my main worry about this kind of thing, and I wonder if it is yours, too is the possible exposure to disease when your fish are put into water with strange fish. I'd be afraid of the fish bringing something home which would spread throughout my tanks. :eek:
Way to go, Inchworm!! I wholeheartedly agree with your post. I also think that people have the right to post whatever fish news they want on this board, provided they do so in a polite and respectful manner. We do not all agree on what constitutes proper care of our fish, but it does not matter. We are all allowed to post here. I highly doubt that somebody who goes to a weekly fish show with his bettas is somebody who takes their care and well being lightly.

Fishhead - the person who called you an ass, without even understanding what it is you do with your bettas, was out of line, not you.
Inchworm said:

That said, why not tell us some more about it. What kind of group sponsors it? Do they have a website? What does it take for a fish to be allowed to participate? Why do you do this--are prizes given, etc.? I'm new to bettas and have never heard of this before--is it a widespread practice? -_-

Well the events in my town are private, liscensed practices held by the local fish clubs in town. There is no web-site simply because the event is not wide-spread and not many people are into it. To get your fish into something like this, the beta must be in TOP physical and emotional condition, preferably older males are more likely to obtain these requirements. I do it to show off my Betas, because they are so huge...and old. My eldest is 8 years (Big Blue). I am hoping fo rit ot become a wide-spread practice, as it is a new event in the field of fish shows. Now in other states there are tournaments where Betas are actually forced to fight to the death. Those are illegal as far as I know because of the gambling associated with it.

For prizes usually it's 50 to 100 bucks for first place overall (not just the 'fight'). And so forth and so on and you get a ribbon. I only have four first places....I tend to come in second because i can't use Big Blue at EVERY tournament.....Poor guy would be exhausted!!

~Now, my main worry about this kind of thing, and I wonder if it is yours, too is the possible exposure to disease when your fish are put into water with strange fish. I'd be afraid of the fish bringing something home which would spread throughout my tanks. :eek:~

There is high concern about that, but great measures are takne to ensure the fishes overall health. When the tank is cycled, it is cycled with anti-biotics and Mela-Fix for any easily transmitted diseases. Fish are also checked for any signs of disease before enterance is permitted....If the fish is sick, it is disqualified.

Oh....I am a girl by the way Aqua Nut. :) :) ;)
FishHeads said:
Oh....I am a girl by the way Aqua Nut. :) :) ;)
:lol: :lol: This is so funny, FishHeads! :lol: :lol:

For quite some time AquaNut and I posted back and forth about gouramis--sometimes in a somewhat heated way. :hyper: All the time I thought of her as being some grumpy ol' guy. Then she made a reference to herself as being female. Boy was I surprised! I'm a woman too, BTW! :lol: :lol:
Inchworm said:
FishHeads said:
Oh....I am a girl by the way Aqua Nut.  :) :) ;)
:lol: :lol: This is so funny, FishHeads! :lol: :lol:

For quite some time AquaNut and I posted back and forth about gouramis--sometimes in a somewhat heated way. :hyper: All the time I thought of her as being some grumpy ol' guy. Then she made a reference to herself as being female. Boy was I surprised! I'm a woman too, BTW! :lol: :lol:
LOL :lol: :lol: :lol: Tis true. I have many times been mistaken for a guy on this board, including by a certain male I was trying my best to flirt with!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
it all sounds fine & dandy as far as SHOWS go,but that's not the way you make it sound in almost EVERY post you make, in which you mention them and your betta fights ,it's easy for one to get the wrong impression and I say "You Go Girl!!!" to auratus :lol: ,it's about time someone spoke up, I would have but I have a tendency to be mean (and you call her comment mean :lol: ) so I bit my tongue ...or my finger,whichever.
Several Asian men that shop at my lfs buy bettas by the 100's each week just to fight them to the death for money :no: ,maybe you should stop referring to them as fights and call them shows....if that's what they are 8)

Wuvmybetta has a good point there, FishHeads.

Sometimes it's not so much what you say as how you say it. Don't forget that this forum includes a worldwide group of people and, I believe, even some for whom english is not their native language.

The word "fight" definately has negative associations to it. My first thought--until I read further--was of dog fights and cock fights which are bloody and disgusting affairs. They are illegal here and from time to time the police catch and arrest people for participating in it.

But what you describe is more like a demonstration or a contest than an actual fight. And I can't imagine that you would risk your very beautiful and special fish if you did not think it was safe. (Besides, you seem like an OK gal, so I believe you.) :nod:

Just remember that on this forum, unlike among your local group of fish fanciers, the word might be put in a different context and people could draw wrong conclusions. Remember, too that not everyone here has read all of your posts to understand what you mean. All you can really assume is that the specific thread you are posting on, at any given time, has been read by those replying.

One other thing..... From time to time people come on this forum and say some things just to upset the fish lovers here. They usually don't last long, but you may have been mistaken for one of those guys. Don't take it personal--just try to understand the feelings that were aroused.

It sounds like you have an interesting thing going. For most of us, outside of the forum, fishkeeping is a rather solitary hobby. You are lucky to have friends that share your avid interest in the fish. I hope you stay around and share it with us, too. :D
Itty Bitty Betta said:
How did you get Big Blue to be so huge????? :huh: :blink: :crazy:
I think I posted this earlier on another board, but I will post it again.

Big Blue gets every day:

10 Beta Bite pellets
1 small portion of a tubafix worms cube
Pinch of bloodworms
one whole Krill
Mix of vitamins with small amount of tropical flake food.

At night:

All same with exception of vitamins and he gets 12 pellets at night.

His water is kept at 2 degrees also which promotes his fin growth. He is also very old so he has had time to mature. ;)

:-( :-( :-( :-( Shadow took the leap of faith today. I couldn't find him in time to save him!! I came home to find his hex on the floor and him all dead under my bed!! I think the tank was too close to the edge of the dek it was on... :-( :-( :-( :-( He was almost ready for his show too!!! :-( :-(

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