The Betta Myth

The generalization about livebearers is due to most pet shops only selling common livebearers like guppies, mollies, swordtails and platies.
Oh, but Colin I'm totally aware of that. But even with the breeding forms of the big 4 there are differences in needs. That's also a fact. So, I do have to say that there's still a "but" in that story.
Hey, but I'm really glad that you're back. We've been missing you for a while... :) Hope you're okay...
But... without seriously adverse water chemistry.

In nearly 99.9999999999999% of all the situations possible.

Most of the 4 only need water and food to multiply.

I’ve always let males see each other and flare at each other . I keep a small mirror beside their aquarium also . It’s no different than a parakeet admiring himself in a mirror . I think it keeps them healthy .
I agree. I also exercise my betta with a mirror each day, ever since I heard about students who exercised one group of bettas and not the other group, and in the group that was exercised, those fish lived to be nine years old whereas the other group lived nowhere near as long. It was discussed in The Betta Bible.
I agree. I also exercise my betta with a mirror each day, ever since I heard about students who exercised one group of bettas and not the other group, and in the group that was exercised, those fish lived to be nine years old whereas the other group lived nowhere near as long. It was discussed in The Betta Bible.
This is interesting- I always figure that pets need some sort of stress in their lives to be normal. They live (hopefully) in very cushy environments given the normal pressures of nature etc. they would face in the wild. I've always thought that the snipping of fish that my angels and kribensis do to other fish in the tank when protecting their young and other stuff like that is beneficial for all of them- keep them on their toes so to speak. I never had anything to base that on, but sounds like it might not be too crazy a thought.

Just like when I have 2 cats and they chase each other around and- sometimes - get pretty aggressive and angry when "playing" has got to be good for them. They both tend to look over their shoulders for the other one unless they're hanging out together obviously in "time out" mode. That is more like their natural mode of operation in the wild- or that's the way I look at it. Also gives me an excuse for sneaking up and chasing them down the hall. They get revenge by walking in front of the camera when I'm on Zoom calls and plopping down on my keyboard when I'm emailing.

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