
Fish Crazy
Mar 5, 2003
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Welshman exiled to Scotland
A while back my nephew (age 2) was at the doctor about a Wart on his hand. The Doc said its off a fish tank :crazy: So the parents obviously think it must be from mine :X But it couldn't have been as he's to small to reach my tank and Ive never lifted him up to it. Anyway he has a Goldfish bowl which is more likely where he got it from!

I found it hard to believe anyway, you could catch Warts from your Tank (Water) :blink: But now Ive noticed a baby wart on my fingure, and its made me think. I often have my (Clean) hands in the water to feed my discus. So I decided to do a little research and found this statement

Doctors report hazard of Fish Tank Granuloma

Cleaning out fish tanks without wearing gloves could prove hazardous for tropical fish owners, indicates a study published in the Journal of Accident and Emergency Medicine (Nov. 1997).

Dr. John Ryan of The Royal Sussex County Hospital in Brighton, England, and his colleagues report five cases of fish tank granuloma, a skin infection caused by a species of bacteria that live in aquatic environments.

Each of the five patients had immersed an ungloved hand, with a cut or abrasion on it, into a tropical fish tank. In each case the infection had spread across the back of the hand and/or up the arm and was characterized by swelling and a line of reddened, raised lumps.

The condition is frequently misdiagnosed as warts, trauma, or cellulitis and, if left untreated, can lead to more serious complications of the soft tissue and bones. It tends to occur in the middle aged. Treatment usually involves a few months of continuous antibiotics, after which the condition resolves.

—from the Doctor’s Guide to Medical & Other News

HerWartses the link
not really convinced, i work at the lfs and my hands are in water 90% of the time. they look fine to me.
My tanks are too deep for gloves. Can you imagine me trying to get some for my 2ft cube?!

I'd need those ones that vets use when sticking their hands up cows' bums. :blink:
There can be bad things found about everything enjoyable in life. Including fishkeeping.

My tank is only 18 inches deep....water goes past my elbow when I clean the many gloves go that high??

If you look hard enough, you can find anything on yourself...then you touch it, and look at it hence making it worse. The same with any "wart" you think you may find on your hands
I've seen that artilcle in a magazine, but I really didn't pay much attention to it since I've been cleaning my aquarium without gloves for the past 4 years and have never had any problems.
Well - we should all have wart covered hands by now :lol: ....there is a risk in almost everything we do in life ;) including eating.

I kinda decided that I would take reasonable precautions to safeguard my health/safety/life (like wash hands before and after putting in tank, :-( not swallowing the tank water when starting the siphon) .......then not worry about the rest and focus on getting the best out of each day. And if something bad happens...... :dunno: just have to deal with it

By living this way it means I'm not wasting my life worrying about what might/might not happen. This is our one shot at life, it's not a rehearsal.....this is it

..........and if it really does worry you bout putting your hands in the tank you can get gloves at many farm supply outlets that go allllll the way up to your armpits :D

Well guys, the thing said that you usually get it if you have a cut or something in your hand when you put it in.


And for those whose tank is too big, try wearing a scuba diving suits :p Might work
And for those whose tank is too big, try wearing a scuba diving suits Might work

Probably not unless someone has a dry suit (which are really expensive) Wet suits let water in close to the body which gets warmed up by body heat, the suit just tries to stop too much water flowing over the body. You would still get water on your hands if you wore one. :D
yeah well did you know White bread can cause cancer...if you eat a loaf a day for 40 years lolol. (i'll take my chances) As for warts that why they have those bandaid thingys.. :unsure: oh wait its noty actually a wart, its something else. Oh well. :p
Cheese Specialist said:
My tanks are too deep for gloves. Can you imagine me trying to get some for my 2ft cube?!

I'd need those ones that vets use when sticking their hands up cows' bums. :blink:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: good one
A good rinse before and after cleaning my tank is good enough for me. I usually have nicks and cuts all over my hands from working and ive been cleaning my tanks for 3 or 4 years, the last wart i had was in grade 6 (7 years ago)

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