Stocking question


Fish Connoisseur
Feb 21, 2004
Reaction score
Long island, New York
I have a 5 gallon (u.s.) tank for my betta. I know I could put 2 cories in without a problem but could I add an oto or two? I know they like to hang out and I have an algae problem in the tank which I think otos would be the best solution for. Could I just have one oto? The ones I have in my big tank always swim together so I don't know what one of them would do without a buddy. I don't go by the inch per gallon thing either because I do frequent waterchanges and the tank is relatively clean. I am going to get a small heater and sponge filter too.
Do you mean putting 2 cories and otos in? If so, then I would say no. But if you want just otos, then I don't see a problem as they only get to an inch and a half. Thing is, they do better with plants in the tank.
I agree with you, Cheese.

EITHER cories OR Otos. Definitely not both. You should be ok with 2-3 Otos, and I'm sure you'll need to give them some algae wafers pretty regularly. That many Otos will keep a 5 gal spotless. With cories, you could easily have 3-4 of the pygmy variety. They're probably the best for a small tank.

Good Luck
Either two corys or 3+ otos. I wouldn't get just one oto because they like being in groups, so I suggest either getting corys or otos.

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