Stocking Question


Fish Fanatic
Feb 5, 2004
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Greetings all,

I've not been around for a while, unfortunately it's been a "strange" last month really.

I've been merrily filling my aquarium, and would like to know if i have reached "maximum capacity" or whether i can add anything extra)

I have the following in my 240 litre tank. (4ft x 1.5ft x 1ft) (length x height x depth).

6 SAE's
10 Guppies (8 Female, 2 Male - did have 4 female but the Males chased the poor women around for ages, so added some more females)
5 Harlequin Rasboro (Was 6, one decided to investigate the filtration system - RIP).
2 Clown Loaches (Still Young)
2 "Queen" Golden nugget Pleco (Grow to about 8" - 10")

Would really like to know what you guys reckon, and if there is room for more, what should i add to keep the community happy.

Why can you not keep Male Bettas with Guppies, i have seen warnings in several LFS, but no reasons?

Why is it the LFS now gets in a rather nice looking Zebra Plec, just when i get made redundant - i can't justify the £90 he wants for it !!!! - not fair!

Thanks in advance

Bettas will mistake the guppies for juvinile bettas and tear their tails to shreads. I have one female betta in with my platies, but when I tried her with the guppies it was not good. As far as the stocking, I'm not sure so I'll let someone else tackle that one.

guppygirly said:
Bettas will mistake the guppies for juvinile bettas and tear their tails to shreads. I have one female betta in with my platies, but when I tried her with the guppies it was not good. As far as the stocking, I'm not sure so I'll let someone else tackle that one.

In a similar situation... I put one of my male bettas in with a male platy. That didn't work out because my male betta mistook the male platy for a female betta :crazy: ... similar build (colorful body, short fins, etc.). My platy kept looking at the betta like "hey, i'm a man too you know!"
Thanks for the Guppy/Betta info, it makes sense now!!

Anyone help at all with the stocking level ?

Thanks in advance
Boy, I'm not sure about the stocking level. You've got four fish in there that have the potential to get pretty large. And the plecos will most likely contribute more than their fair share of waste material.

One thing I'd probably do, that has minimal effect on stocking levels, is get 3-5 more rasboras. Give them a little "filler" on their school.
Cheers for the advice, i thought about getting more rasbora, think i'll go with that.

Thanks alot
oh dear, I have a male betta and guppy's (still small) and I have platy's. My fighter is really gentle and no attacks or anything have happened. They have been in together for nearly 3 months, and my betta is really docile and calm, it wouldn't hurt a fly....would it?
I used to brag that my male betta was great with my male guppies until he suddenly killed one and maimed another. They were tankmates for about a year.

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