Another stocking question

They aren't Melanotaenia parkinsoni, they are just hybrids.

If you order fish from the same supplier, they will probably send you more hybrids. If you could get pictures of the fish from the suppliers, then you could see if they match the fish in the link I provided in post 12, or I can check them. You should also see if your supplier is willing to guarantee pure species. If they aren't willing to guarantee pure species, then find another supplier.
They aren't Melanotaenia parkinsoni, they are just hybrids.

If you order fish from the same supplier, they will probably send you more hybrids. If you could get pictures of the fish from the suppliers, then you could see if they match the fish in the link I provided in post 12, or I can check them. You should also see if your supplier is willing to guarantee pure species. If they aren't willing to guarantee pure species, then find another supplier.
Ohh alright, thanks! We haven't had any issues until this, no wonder the fish looks way different than pictures online. Thanks a lot!
Yes it’s a halfbeak. There are three species native to the Philippines, Dermogenys bispina, D. palawanensis (endemic), D. robertsi.
Yes it’s a halfbeak. There are three species native to the Philippines, Dermogenys bispina, D. palawanensis (endemic), D. robertsi.
Which of those could it be? I know palawanensis is endemic to the island of Palawan though, I cought mine here in Mindanao
Which of those could it be? I know palawanensis is endemic to the island of Palawan though, I cought mine here in Mindanao

I’ve no idea. I just looked at FishBase’s list of species in the Philippines, but there are no pictures of them.
I’ve no idea. I just looked at FishBase’s list of species in the Philippines, but there are no pictures of them.
That's my exact problem! Very little documentation here, tons of stuff that goes unnoticed. I often go outdoors and explore around the native habitats, tons of stuff you can easily find that has nothing about it online. I've actually been looking for months on databases and stuff to no avail
Time to go and survey the local waterways.

Contact the department of agriculture and see if they have a field guide to the freshwater fishes of where you are. See if you can find the fish in that.
Time to go and survey the local waterways.

Contact the department of agriculture and see if they have a field guide to the freshwater fishes of where you are. See if you can find the fish in that.
Oh alright, I'll try that, thanks!

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